Daily announcements [[open to reaction]]

Jan 05, 2010 08:57

Good morning teachers and students! I'm glad you're here on a downright cold day. It may be sunny outside, but don't let that fool you. The outdoors will kill you. Listen up everyone under 10: Don't go outside without mittens or gloves and a coat. Everyone over 10: You should know better. Teachers, if you have someone in your class in need of gloves, I have some in my office free to take. No one's suffering from frost bite on my watch.

High school kids, start tuning in now: If you want to go to the community college you must pre-enroll for the ACT or PSAT now, before February one. See your teachers for more information, please don't come to me directly.

Last but not least, if any of you have an announcement you feel needs to be made, type it up and drop it off in my mailbox. Students, leave yours with your teachers and they can deliver them to me.

Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!
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