(no subject)

Nov 22, 2004 02:51

x-mas wishlist:

a polaroid camera
gift certs. for clothes & jewelry & shoes
ornaments for the tree
mixed cds of chrismukkah music & seth/summer 'ship music
drawings by friends for friend
dawson's creek (season 1) on dvd
gilmore girls (season 1) on dvd
rachel bilson posters
a cat whose funny but thrilling
art stuff to cover the ugly dorm walls
a vcr

i never update this journal anymore. i want to, but i just don't know what to say anymore. x.
i spend a lot of time working on my scrapbook and eating mint chocolate chip ice cream and hiding in the wardrobe at three a.m. (when there are fire alarms & i don't want to go out and stand in the cold). i ponder about pseudo-foods like the "pseudo-chicken" they were serving tonight at the mediterranean bar. and what does tofurky really tastes like? i obsess over the ugly walls in my dorm room & imagine myself slaving day and night to make it g o r g e o u s. but i hardly ever get up to work on it because i'm lazy & addicted to the francophone canasta rooms on yahoo games. sometimes i still think about THE BOY, but mostly i don't. i wonder if he really has become a big fat bloated balloon.

i talked to ash today and he won mvp of the leonard bowl, which he also organized. he's such an overachiever, i know he's going to be successful in life. if no one else i know ever makes anything of themselves, ash will. he's a brilliant talker & not one to have idle hands. all the mischief he's pulled over the years just proves the lengths he'll go to avoid boredom. & that's much better than settling for a greyscale kind of life.

i'm NERVOUS about second semester j1000.
that's when we'll get to actually write articles.
but writing isn't even what i'm concerned about mainly.
what concerns me more most is getting information.
phone calls! interviews!
i'm not the right type for either.
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