Dec 10, 2005 15:34
I have a lot of weird phobias. everyone does. my bird phobia (or, rather, total repulsion) has been discussed here at great length. but one of my other best-known gross-out items: eyes. Ew, ew, ew. I cannot touch my own eyes -- perhaps one of the reasons I don't wear contacts. As much as I love to look deeply into someone's eyes in a romantic way, anything involving disembodied eyes is the grossest thing ever. The idea of laser eye surgery is basically the scariest thing I can think of. Pretty much, I am generally freaked out, nervous and squeamish about it.
Like most other phobias, this can be traced directly back to a traumatic incident at Joseph Sears Elementary School -- specifically, when we had to dissect a sheep's eyeball. I mean, HELLO. It is LOOKING AT YOU as you cut it open. And all squishy, and...I am actually feeling physically ill as I type this.
Well, with many of my other TV shows either over for the season or on winter hiatus, I've finally started to catch up on House. I've watched four episodes in the past two days. And in two of those, traumatic incidents involving eyes have occurred -- a BLEEDING EYE and a LARGE NEEDLE INSERTED INTO AN EYE.
I fear that my love affair with this TV show is coming to a screeching halt.
**on a totally unrelated note, is the best web site ever created.