I think I have fallen in love with avocados. I don't know what made me do it--they were on sale at Kroger 10/$10 two months ago, and I just purchased some to experiment. A nice lady in my office taught me how to peel them properly.
I just love how they taste with pepper and salt, all that creamy goodness of texture. If I could have a wedding cake made out of avocados, I think I would. Just because they are that tasty. And they are so good for you! They are one of the healthiest fruits you can eat!
Things I have learned about avocados:
They are tasty with salt and pepper
They are easiest to carve when they are cool from the refrigerator.
The instructions on
Avocado.org are pretty accurate for how to extract the meat of the fruit and the seed from the shell.
One serving is actually 1/5 of an avocado, but seeing as I eat a whole avocado at lunch, I guess I'm just getting extra nutrition.
Mom is trying to grow an avocado tree at home, but it's not working. I think we will have to continue to purchase them at the store.