Where to Begin?

Nov 17, 2007 07:21

Lil 'bro 
banzai nudged me back to LJ.  I kind of abandoned my journal and my Friends Page for a couple of months.  I guess it got pretty addictive, and whenever I'd log on I found myself spending too much time on the computer.  I think I had been trying waaaaay too hard to make friends- joined a community, posted lots of comments, and some of you who did friend me back may have even felt "stalked."  I apologize.  That wasn't the intent of this journal in the first place.  It was supposed to be just a spot to do a bit of mind dumping and if others were interested in what I had to say, I would check out their journals and see if I felt the same way.  But could I leave well enough alone?  Naaaah, of course not.  Oh well- try, try again.

Meanwhile, life goes on at our house just as I'm sure it has in all of my LJ Friends' homes.  Yesterday G-man broke both his arms and has casts from wrists to elbows.  He was incredibly brave and is now incredibly cranky about keeping his hands elevated in slings to keep the fingers from swelling.  Thank God for Saturday morning cartoons!  We had a great Halloween and now we're getting ready to go to the in-laws for Thanksgiving.  Then time to deck the halls and look forward to a visit from
banzai and
barlow_girl!!!!   Yippee!

Ok, brain empty now.  Maybe more in a couple days.
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