Ah, so ready for this week to be over. At the beginning for the week I was struggling with how hard long distance relationships are with my boyfriend. I want to continue to be in a relationship with the most amazing guy I have ever met, but it's hard. I love him with my whole heart, and I wish things were easier. I started feeling a little bit
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There really isn't much I can say. I'm trying to imagine what I would want to hear if I lost Little Bit, and I can honestly say that no words would ease the hurt. When we forge such unique bonds with this creatures that depend on us totally, can we ever adequately express what their loss does to us?
I love Little Bit and Savannah with all my heart. Savannah's death is coming pretty quickly, I think. And when the time comes, I'll want her to go the must humane way possible. I'd have been devastated if, while I was in Kansas City, she had passed away here. But I would have felt better if B had called and said, "Here's the situation. Here are your choices. What do you want to do?" Then, although a part of me would want to hold out until I could tell her good-bye, I would make the decision that was in her best interest--and I'd have to trust that I would have that first and foremost all along.
I don't necessarily agree with how your dad handled it. I understand making a split-second decision, but it would have been best if he had called you, laid the options out on the table, and gave you a chance to weigh in. I realize that this is in Happy Fun Time Land, where everything is more pleasant and ideally no dogs would die. But there is something to be said about being empowered in these tough situations. And as sad as you would have been about losing Ruffy anyway, I think there would have been less of an arching anger element to it. Not that you should be mad at your dad, just that you didn't get a say or even to bid Ruffy good-bye.
In any case, the next time I see a PG&E dude, I'm kicking them in the balls for you, and for Ruffy.
I am sad I didn't get to say goodbye, but I think seeing him in that state would have been really bad for me. Although I wish, at least, he would have told me Ruffy wasn't doing well so I could have seen him before he went. But as much as my dad and I aren't close, I do really think that the decision he made was in Ruffy's best interest. It has just been SUCH a hard week and a half for me and I don't see it getting better any time soon. AND I miss my dog
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