Jun 23, 2010 11:06
Ah, so ready for this week to be over. At the beginning for the week I was struggling with how hard long distance relationships are with my boyfriend. I want to continue to be in a relationship with the most amazing guy I have ever met, but it's hard. I love him with my whole heart, and I wish things were easier. I started feeling a little bit better about everything and "WHAM" . . .
My dad called me to tell me that they had to put down my dog, Ruffy. I know it sounds cliche, but Ruffy was the best dog ever. I told him this every time I saw him. He could be anywhere in the house and as soon as I sat down on the stairs he would sense it, come to me and sit in my lap. He would start drooling big time and fall asleep on my lap (ps he was 90 pounds) and I would rub his ears for as long as I could stand it. He was also very nurturing and would want to be with you at all times. Not in the annoying way, but he loved the whole family. He was literally my favorite part of my house.
He had epilepsy that had been getting worse in the last 2 or so years. Monday night he had a really, REALLY bad seizure and possibly a stroke and was only not seizing for about an hour that night. When my dad took him to the vet after him seizing so bad he lost his sight and and was trying to curl up in every corner and get away and was completely dazed, the Dr told him he could prescribe him a different medication that would take a few months to kick in. He could sedate him (although the sedation he gave him twice that night did nothing to calm him) but that wouldn't make them stop and had little to no effect on him. My dad had to make a split second decision about keeping him alive to suffer or put him down, he thought the most humane thing was to put him down. I loved that dog. He was amazing, and even typing this I am in tears.
Even worse is that apparently when the PG&E dudebro's come around to read the meters, they carry a big stick/club to keep dogs away from them. I know for a fact Ruffy was hit by him, and he developed a serious scare of anyone wearing a hat that came to the house and was VERY territorial around his family. Did the hitting of his head by the PG&E guy cause the epilepsy? Did it make it worse than it was? I will never know, but for now, I miss my dog and I want to punch the next PG&E guy I see and kick them in the balls for helping to kill my dog.
I am REALLY looking forward to getting to see my one and only, and my good friend Tabloidscully this weekend. I need a break from this week, and maybe a daiquiri.
amazing boyfriend,