I'm pretty sure this is pretty awkward for your pretty face

May 07, 2005 16:14

you said,
"baby, I'll take you home
if you can stop this head from rushing
and I'll try my best to stop my blushing
I'll let you do all the rest
it's an, 'I do,' along with an,'I promise.'
keep the fingers touching, sweetie
feels like my heart's under arrest
somehow I think I've got the right address
you are the place to find that feeling
the one and only that keeps boys dragging their feet out
of sleeping dreams
because when they wake up all they can find lying next to them is misery
they're always out in search & out of luck
you're the only reason why they bother walking down the streets
and not in the middle of those highways
hoping today it's not just pennies on the edge of sewers or tollbooths
but finding something they have to
keep living for
they're searching for
someone like you."

P.S. rilo kiley show
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