Aug 21, 2008 15:08
A conversation yesterday with Schmoopelina. As with 90% of conversations with five year olds, this is apropos of nothing and came out of nowhere.
S: My mommy is smarter than my daddy.
Me: (Trying hard not to laugh) Oh? Why do you say that?
S: Well, actually my daddy is smarter.
Me: Really?
S: Well, no. I'm the smartest. I'm the smartest person in the WHOLE WORLD.
I told her that whenever I need to know anything, I'm going to call her, because who would know better than the smartest person in the whole world?!
We also had a conversation yesterday about my cats being step-sisters, which lead to me being Cinderella, which lead to N being the evil stepmother who is going to let my kitties go to the ball, but not me. He makes me scrub the chimneys, all day long!