I hope she buys me a pony for my birthday.

Jul 21, 2008 21:02

Schmoopelina and I talk a lot about birthdays. Not only is her birthday coming up in the next few weeks, but she's at an age when even if her birthday was six months away, we would spend the next five months and 28 days counting down to her birthday. We talk a lot about birthdays in relation to time: her mommy's is first, then her daddy's, then Schmoopette's, then hers... and hers was last, but now she is proud to find out that there is someone whose birthday is after hers. That would be mine.

So, today after telling me for the nine jillionth time about her party plans, she said "I know when your birthday is!" I reminded her that my birthday is after hers and asked her if she knew which month it was in. She needed a little prompting, but "September!" came pretty quickly. As for what day, she didn't need any help at all.

"It's the fourth! September fourth!"

Good show, Schmoopelina! Even N doesn't get it right on the first try every time.

She smiled up at me and asked the $64,000 question: "So, can I have a sticker now?"

Yes, yes you can. You clearly know the way to my heart.


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