Aug 28, 2011 09:08

[ It was getting harder and harder to go outside.

His medicine had ran out a lot time ago, and it was probably only thanks to his Pokemon knowing him so well that he last so long without any.

Except for his recently hatched Misdreavus.

The egg was a gift from Kotone, since she knew that his experience with Ghost Pokemon wasn't the greatest. And while he enjoyed taking care of the Screech Pokémon, it was a bit of a... troublemaker. Often, if left out, it would phased through the walls at night and would try to spook the occasional inhabitant passing by. There were even times where it came out of it's Pokeball by itself.

And worst of all, at least for Hibiki, was the fact that Misdreavus seem to think that phrasing through him was fun. It was more than a little problem. Misdreavus fun wasn't good Hibiki's body, as it would cause his arrhythmia to acted up, which seemed to worsen each time.

He thought today would be a good day, one that he could enjoy for once. The sun was out, the sky was blue with no clouds, and there was a nice breeze too. Of course, things never seem to stay good for long with Hibiki. He was taking a walk to the beach, when on his way there, his arrhythmia started up, causing him to collapsed on the ground.

With his last moment of consciousness, he sent Misdreavus to get help. ]
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