:) Today was so good. friggin finally. haha
After 10 hours of talk time on the phone two nights ago, Tom came and picked me up yesterday to go to the mall. Luckily, it was only awkward for the first few minutes, but after that, it was nice. :) I was Miss Indecisive again but, whatever. We walked back and forth in the mall and sat down on a bench becuasewe were arguing over whwo should pick something to do. I couldn't make up my mind of what to do, so, smart little me called Melissa (smartsmartsmart!!!). He said that was cheating on my part, but it wasn't. Melissa and I both agree on that. We went to the movies and saw Dark Water. That was his grand idea.
there's no point to it and it's boring.*
So, we kind of talked through it. :) aw, yay. I love talking durring movies when they're boring. It makes it better, espicially seeing as though I rarely have the attention span to focus on a movie for the whole thing. so after that, we left the mall because it was boring. We ended up going into Petsmart and looked at the cute kitties and fish and birds :)I found out he doesn't like fish at all, and never wants a bird. I think fish are adorable. anyways.. then we went to McDonalds because I was hungry, even though it makes me sick. But, we both got McFlurries and fries. I admired the old people (they got kids meals!! awwww!! cutest ever!) and little kids. I also found out he doesn't like both, little kids and old people. He doesn't like happy people either. haha. no, just kidding he likes happy people.. and it slipped out that he likes old people too, but I don't think he meant it. whatever. So, once again it was my turn to pick something to do and I didn't know (what's new?) so we sat on the picnic table at McDonalds, and I once again admired old people when they left. They're so cute!! We then came back, went to the lake. We saw MORE old people :):):) I got mad at him (fakefakefake) and went to a different picnic table. aw, poor him. we left pretty quick because he saw his recent ex and wanted to avoid an awkward situation. so, we drove around and then he brought me home.
It was a grand day. I really like that boy, he's super nice. :)
OH AND!!! for my dad's birthday, I might be getting a car :) hoo-ray.
I'm excitedddd
Tell her you think shes cool.
Tell her why you think shes so cool.
Smell her hair.
Talk to her in movie theatres.
Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river;
she'll scream and fight you but secretly, she`ll love it.
Hold her hand and skip.
Hold her hand and run.
Just hold her hand.
Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her.
Tell her she's pretty.
Let her pay if she wants to.
Introduce her to your friends as 'The coolest girl you know'.
Sit in the park and talk to her.
Just talk to her.
Take her to the library
Tell her dirty jokes.
Tell her stupid jokes.
Write poems about her.
Just walk with her.
Throw pebbles at her window
When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of.
Hold her hand in the mosh pit.
Let her fall asleep in your arms.
Call her.
Call her back if she calls you.
Sing to her, no matter how bad you are.
Carve your names into a tree.
Get her mad, then kiss her.
Give her piggy-back rides.
Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great.
Give her space if she needs it.
Push her on swings.
Stay up with her all night when shes sick.
Make up pet names for her,
but cool ones, not sappy ones.
Teach her guitar.
Lend her your cds.
Write on her.
Make her mixtapes.
Write her letters.
Take her to cool shops,
and let her take you to even cooler ones.
Just hang out with her.
Listen to all the bands she mentions.
Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck.
When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything.
Buy her ice cream.
Let her take all the photos of you she wants.
Look into her eyes.
Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast, and even if there's no music at all.
Kiss her in the rain...
Trust her.
. . . and when you fall in love with her,
tell her.