I'd like to design a game. But I'm not sure about the content. I know what I want in it.
- I want an expansive world. I want to be able to explore everything: big cities, little villages in the trees, caves, mountains, floating islands in the sky and hidden kingdoms under the seas. Maybe even go a ceratin distance into space.
- I want an active, responsive world. I want the actions I and other players make to have lasting effects on the world. If we destory a village, I want other nearby villages to know of it and fear us for it. And if the ville we ruined is being rebuilt, the villagers should deend it to the death from happening again. If we save it, we should be rewarded, hailed as heroes.
- I want full interconnectivity. If I'm playing on a Mac, it should be the same game on the same servers as would be used by someone playing on their Alienware PC, or X-Box, or Wii, or tablet. We all should be able to brg about how awesome we are on Twitter and Facebook from the game no matter what the platform.
- I want the game to be easy to play but difficult to master. The difficulty of the challenges should level up with me, but they shouldn't be cryptic to figure out what to do or how. No cheap bosses at Lv2, and no tiny bunnies to slay at Lv30.
- If the game involves the training and fighting of monsters, there should constantly be new monsters to train/breed/kill. And being able to breed hybrids of mons would be a plus.
- The game should update on a regular basis. Even if it's only a patch to fix certain glitches, the game should stick to a regular schedule of updates to the content. At least until they developers run out of ideas.
It kind sounds like I'm asking for a cross between Pokemon and WoW. But after being stuck in a Hospital and playing Flash games because there's nothing else to do (I'm looking at you, Backyard Monsters.), these are really my only options.
Anyone out there have any ideas if a game like this exists? Or if I can help develop one?