Дерьмо - лучший пробиотик

Aug 19, 2011 13:40

Оригинал: http://william322.livejournal.com/12311.html

UPD 02/02/2015 http://patch.com/massachusetts/medford/would-you-donate-your-poop-13000-0?utm_source=social&utm_medium=hs&utm_campaign=
http://www.helminthictherapy.com/ - очень интересно

UPD 06/04/2015 http://news.mit.edu/2016/startup-synlogic-reprogramming-gut-bacteria-living-therapeutics-0405
Reprogramming gut bacteria as “living therapeutics”
Daily doses of synthetic biotics developed by startup Synologic may sense, treat metabolic diseases.
Rob Matheson | MIT News Office
April 5, 2016

К сожалению, это все про детей, причем, очень маленьких:
Вот несколько статей на тему


Из комментов и обсуждений:
Искать информацию на "fecal transplant". Лучше от здорового родственика. Сначала могут промывать кишечник, каким-то раствором, клизмой какой-то мощной, чтоб все бактерии сдохли, а потом клизму с дерьмом.

Руки моют не столько от бактерий, сколько от глистов. Хотя, я не уверен насколько это помогает, основные глисты от плохой воды, а тут что-то можно сделать только в своём доме.

Вообще многие животные и кстати люди (дети часто) едят дерьмо, совершенно естественно. Всякие мелочи типа мыть руки после сортира, разделение питьевой воды и сточных вод - это, конечно, новшества.

Вообще вчера читал, забыл уже..)) вообщем суть такая - паразитарные и бактериальные инфекции совершенно здоровая и необходимая штука для здоровых зверей и людей - от бактерий переболеют и только сильнее становятся, и паразиты не заражают даже или живут с ними без осложнений. А для больных людей, живших в стерильных условиях - патогены, конечно опасны. Так что имеет смысл постепенно их жрать, по немногу, и то не факт, что когда-нибудь наверстаешь за годы стерильной, городской жизни.

С другой стороны, куча инфы о том что патогены могут быть причиной всех заболеваний, так же как и токсины и воспаление. http://perfecthealthdiet.com/ много об этом писал.

Я про глисты передачу слушал. В США весь юг был страшно поражен, и кто-то типа Рокфеллера не мог понять почему у него никак не идут дела на юге. Отправил бригаду, и они нашли у всех глисты - из-за них люди вечно больные и сонные. У всех малокровие.

Вторая часть передачи - у мужика была страшная аллергия, он поехал в Африку, насобирал там глистов (нужно просто босиком ходить по сточной канаве, они через кожу ног проникают), вернулся. Сдал анализ - глисты есть, аллергия прошла. Вообще, глисты как раз подавляют иммунитет и в 3-м мире количество аутоиммунных заболеваний в разы меньше, чем в развитом, это связывают с том числе с глистами.

В журнале "Chemical & engineering news" от Dec, 13 2010 на стр. 32 есть статья про различные бактерии, живущие на/в теле человека. Их тысячи, если не миллионы разновидностей. Толком исследований на эту тему НЕТ, они только-только начинаются, чисто физически нет технологий всё это разделять и считать. НО! У неё, как всегда, тупой механистический поход к телу человека: "синдром раздраженного кишечника, экзема - следствие bacterial overgrowth". А почему организм не подавляет-то overgrowth? Здоровый организм поддерживает здоровую микрофлору и у здорового человека нет никакой экземы.

То есть, есть какая-то граница между стерильностью и здоровой флорой, но она настолько размыта, что говорить об осознанных действиях в "восстановлении флоры" не приходится.

Говорят, в козьем молоке, как раз какие-то особо настырные паразиты - часто от сырого заражаются.



The human bowel contains a complex population of bacteria containing several hundred different species. The colon itself is densely populated with around 500 species and more than 30,000 subspecies of various normal bacteria. These organisms and the chemicals they produce affect the body and these effects can have both positive and negative impacts on health. The human flora protects us from pathogenic or “bad” bacteria, however if a bad bacterium does implant itself into the population of normal healthy “good” bacteria, it can have a debilitating and sometimes toxic affect on our health. Due to the nature of the bacteria which are able to produce spores, it is difficult to remove the infection which can remain for many years, even a lifetime.

The use of healthy human flora appears to be the most complete probiotic treatment available today. It acts as a broad-spectrum antibiotic capable of eradicating “bad” bacteria and spores, and supplies the “good” bacteria for recolonisation.

This therapy involves the infusion of healthy human donor faeces via enema into the bowel, which is prepared prior to the procedure. This infusion process is repeated for at least five days, depending on the severity of the condition.

The treatment is expected to improve symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and potentially cure the cause of the problem. This however is not guaranteed. The treatment has demonstrated success in treating some of the most difficult cases of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.


You will need to go on a LOW FIBRE DIET at least TWO WEEKS before beginning the antibiotics and during the course of the antibiotics. The following list gives you an idea of low fibre foods:

• Refined cereals - white bread, pasta, rice cakes and pastries made from white flour
• Milk (all forms)
• Butter, margarine, oils
• Chicken and fish
• Egg dishes
• Jellies, custards, mousses
• Fruit and vegetables (cut down the amount you eat and discard the peel) - the following are relatively low in fibre:

Apples Pears Melon Peaches Cherries Plums Grapes, Pumpkin Zucchini Marrow Lettuce Capsicum Cucumber Potato

Foods to AVOID:

• Pork
• Processed meats: sausages, ham, salami
• Citrus Fruits
• Nuts and seeds
• Berries and dried fruit

Your diet must change to a HIGH FIBRE DIET after your first probiotic infusion and we recommend you maintain this high fibre diet to enable the new flora to be strong enough to survive and implant. You are able to eat the following:

• Anything “wholemeal” - bread, pasta, brown rice, pulses (lentils, beans, chickpeas), muesli, fibre enriched cereals.
• All fresh fruit and vegetables, including juices
• All meat, fish and chicken

AVOID the following foods:

• Oysters, shellfish, prawns
• Processed meats


Equipment to be purchased through the Probiotic Therapy Research Centre

This equipment is essential for the infusion. Price on request.

• Enema bags
• Rectal tips

Equipment to be purchased locally

• Bottles or bags of normal saline.
• Lubricant
• Latex gloves
• Psyllium husks
• Imodium tablets (Loperamide)

You will also need the following

• Somewhere to hang the enema bag from, ie nail in the wall.
• Funnel
• Tissues
• Stool collection device (disposable ‘takeaway’ container or a potty!)
• Blender


You need to purchase medication for a COLONIC LAVAGE. - Usually this is available from a chemist without prescription. This is the same bowel prep you would use if you were undergoing a colonoscopy.



You will need to take one or two of the following antibiotics as per the schedule below for a minimum of 10 day. You will be advised accordingly.

Morning 1 capsule (150mg) 2 capsules (250mg) 1 tablet (400mg)
Night 1 capsule (150mg) 2 capsules (250mg) 1 tablet (400mg)

Your last dose of antibiotics will be taken
the night before your bowel washout

You should still be maintaining your low fibre diet at this point. Please refer to diet requirements section.

Bowel wash out. (day before the first probiotic infusion )


On waking in the morning:

• DO NOT EAT any solid foods.

• DRINK CLEAR FLUIDS ONLY - eg. clear soups, clear fruit juices, tea, coffee , Bonox, soft drinks.

• Follow the instructions on the back of the packet of the colonic prep starting at 10 am approximately (rather than the time mentioned on the packet).

• Drink the colonic prep throughout the day as per instructions on packet.

• IMPORTANT - please ensure you maintain your fluid intake to prevent dehydration..


Be prepared to visit the toilet regularly throughout the day


On Rising

In the morning, on rising, take 2 IMODIUM tablets. You only take these on the first morning of the infusion.


You will need to start your high fibre diet today as per instructions. You may have a light breakfast before commencing your daily infusions..

Infusion procedure

1. Collect donor stool in appropriate container. Place immediately into the blender with half teaspoon of the psyllium husks and between 100 - 400mls of normal saline (the volume of saline needed to make mixture ‘pourable’).

2. This should be blended for approximately 15 seconds.

3. Ensure the white ball in the bag is removed and the white clip is closed on the tubing. Pour this mixture into the enema bag via the red cap. Eliminate as much air as possible and close the red cap.

4. Once preparation is complete, recipient will lie on their LEFT side in the foetal position with lower half of body elevated.

5. Lubricate the rectal tip and gently insert the tip into the anus until you reach halfway of the blue tip.. Slowly unclamp the enema bag after hanging the bag up which will to commence the infusion. Allow 5-10 minutes for infusion.

6. Once infusion has been completed, clamp the tubing and gently remove the rectal tip (still attached to the tubing and bag). Discard the enema bag and tip and ‘double bag’ for disposal.

7. You then remain on your left side, massaging your abdomen for approximately 10 mins. Repeat this massage, lying on back, stomach and completing on your right side.

8. This procedure is repeated each day for 5 - 10 days approximately.

9. If you difficulty retaining the enema you can take Imodium or codeine as required.


Human Probiotic Infusion Blood work and stool testing for patients and donors

A) HEP A >






Donors are selected by the recipient on the following criteria:

• The potential donor must have a healthy bowel motion every day.
• No history of bowel problems (eg no constipation, diarrhoea, colitis etc)
• Is not on any medications that may interfere with stool viability (eg antibiotics).

As a potential donor you will be fully screened to ensure that you are free from infection. This involves a blood sample and stool tests as per the enclosed protocol.


The person receiving your stool (recipient) will be relying on the donor to pass a bowel motion every day. We highly recommend that you start the following changes at least one week prior to the commencement of the infusion. These changes include :

1. Avoiding foods at risk of contamination

• Avoid shellfish, prawns, oysters and processed meats such as salami, ham and sausages.

• Avoid all antibiotics.

2. You must commence a high fibre diet to improve the quality of your flora

• All breads, cereals and grain should be wholemeal. This includes bread, pasta, rice and breakfast cereals.

• Eat plenty of fresh vegetables (with the exception of corn).

• Include beans and pulses in your diet (lentils, chickpeas, beans, hommos)

• Eat at least two pieces of fruit per day

• Drink at least 1 litre of water per day.



• At breakfast have wholemeal toast, muesli or a high fibre cereal. Maybe include some yoghurt.


• Salad sandwich with wholemeal bread and whatever filling you wish and a piece of fruit.
• Pasta with vegies
• Noodles with vegies


• Pasta with meat, sauce and vegies
• Meat, fish or chicken with two types of vegies or salad and potatoes.
• Stir fried vegies (with or without meat) with noodles or brown rice.
• Brown rice with beans or lentils.


As a donor it is vitally important that you understand the instructions mentioned. There are two major points:

1. You need to make sufficient dietary and lifestyle changes for the duration of the recipient’s treatment to ensure that you will pass a bowel motion every day.

2. If you experience any of the following, please withdraw from donating:

• Diarrhoea
• Vomiting
• Cold / flu
• Any antibiotic usage


This is the biggest concern of the donor. By following the dietary recommendations above, you should have no problem passing a bowel motion every day.


If there are any questions please contact Sharyn Leis (SRN)

Probiotic Therapy Research Centre (PTRC) on 612 - 9712 7255 or Centre for Digestive Diseases on 612 - 9713 4011


1. When did you last use antibiotics?

2. Have you experienced ‘travellers diarrhoea’?

3. Do you or have you worked within a hospital, health care facility or child care facility?

4. Please describe your stool quality ie is it soft, hard or runny?

5. How frequently do you go to the toilet in a day ie once per day, twice per day or more, or once every two to three days?

6. Do you currently have or have you recently experienced any type of abdominal discomfort ie pain / cramping or swelling / bloating?

7. Do you currently suffer from excessive flatulence (gas)?

8. Do you currently experience nausea or heartburn?

9. Have you ever noticed blood in your stool?

http://www.medweb.ru/news/kozhnyjj-antibiotik-ubivaet-tuberkuleznuju-bakteriju (http://www.pnas.org/content/110/12/4586.abstract)
Естественный человеческий антибиотик дермицидин, который выделяется вместе с потом, оказался эффективным против самых распространенных бактерий и грибков.
антибиотики, кожа, туберкулез, стафилококковые инфекции
Антибиотики, входящие в состав человеческого пота, защищают организм от проникновения инфекции при небольших порезах, царапинах или укусах насекомых. В большинстве своем такими антибиотиками являются вещества из группы антимикробных пептидов. Они более эффективны, чем традиционные антибиотики, так как у опасных микроорганизмов не так быстро развивается устойчивость (резистентность) к ним.

Международная группа ученых проанализировала молекулярную структуру дермицидина. Его молекула активируется при попадании в соленый пот с кислым рН. При этом дермицидин формирует в клеточных стенках бактерий сквозные каналы, которые остаются стабильными за счет молекул цинка, тоже присутствующих в составе пота. В результате внутрь вредных микроорганизмов начинают бесконтрольно поступать вода и заряженные ионы, что приводит к гибели бактерий.

Исследования показали, что дермицидин эффективно работает с самыми разными типами клеточных мембран. Это позволяет объяснить, почему он одинаково эффективен против туберкулезной палочки, стафилококковых бактерий и некоторых грибков. Обнаруженные свойства дермицидина дают надежду на использование его для борьбы с мультирезистентными штаммами золотистого стафилококка - микроорганизмами, который не поддаются лечению традиционными антибиотиками и приводят к развитию сепсиса и пневмонии.

Результаты исследования опубликованы в журнале Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

By Melanie Christner NTP, CHFS, CGP of Honest Body

Imagine you are at the doctor’s office for help with a specific health concern. After a full examination, your doctor pulls out a prescription pad to write you a script for - gasp - a probiotic strain.

The prescription is handed to you, and you take a look at it. Looking up in surprise, you ask the doctor if the recommendation is indeed for a probiotic rather than an antibiotic.

The doctor nods his/her head and explains that the particular strain recommended for your ailment has been found to have an 86% success rate as tested in a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study.

You ask about side effects, and your doctor replies that there - ARE NONE.

You are (understandably) amazed. You take your prescription, fill it, take as directed, and your condition is taken care of…with minimal discomfort. You even experience other health issues clearing up - that you thought were completely unrelated.
Sound like a far-fetched scenario?

Depending on how up-to-date and open minded your health provider is, this may already be a reality. And it may become more of a reality in mainstream medicine in the future.
The reason? Researchers are taking quite an interest in probiotic strains and their effects on human and animal health. In recent years there has been a surge in the study of probiotics, the human microbiota, and other related applications.

The World Health Organization defines probiotics as “live organisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit to the host”.

Some of the Ways Probiotics Keep Us Healthy

Probiotics have the ability to hinder or kill pathogens by strain-specific processes such as:
1. “Crowding Out” Pathogens

When probiotics are taken in sufficient and therapeutic amounts they can do the work of crowding out pathogens and using the nutrients and space that would otherwise be used by the pathogens.

2. Secreting Beneficial Chemicals

Probiotics produce and secrete molecules like bacteriocins (a protein produced by bacteria of one strain that is active against those of a closely related strain), hydrogen peroxide, antibiotics and more, that control the growth and survival of surrounding microorganisms.

3. Positive Stimulation of the Immune System

Probiotics “chat” with the immune system part of the gut (epithelial cells, Peyer’s patches M cells, and immune cells) encouraging them to have a response to pathogens and to contribute to the mucosal barrier, among other beneficial activities.

Specific Strains for Specific Issues

All this research has really exciting implications. Probiotics, rather than harmful prescription drugs with their many, dangerous, and even life-threatening side effects could become common and be used effectively by both mothers and health care practitioners alike. As consumers and patients let us be asking, no demanding, these kind of solutions for our family!

Below I have given 8 examples of specific conditions helped by specific probiotic strains (stay tuned for why the specific strain is important).

If your particular health challenge is not listed, please refer to my book a Mother’s Guide to Probiotics for a complete list of ailments matched to the best probiotic strains(s) as determined by the scientific research available today.

Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea

A meta-analysis of 34 double blind, placebo-controlled, randomized studies that included 4,138 people, concluded that the probiotic strain, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, when given at the same time as antibiotics, had a greater than 60% reduced risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.
Probiotic strain tested to help:
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG
Which can be found in these brands:

- Culturelle - USA, UK, Canada
- Ethical Nutrients - Australia

Below are further examples of common conditions - and the probiotic strains tested to be effective in treating them.


Yes! There are even probiotics for anxiety. Our digestive tract has a profound effect on our mood and anxiety is no exception.

Probiotic strains tested to help:

- Lactobacillus helveticus R0052
- Bifidobacterium longum R0175

Which can be found in these brands:

- Eagle CytoPro Balance (AU)
- Pure Encapsulations ProbioMood (USA)
- Xymogen ProbioDefense (USA)


This all too common, “normal” condition is anything but normal and is a sign of distress and imbalance in baby. These probiotic strains have been found via research to help alleviate baby’s pain.

Probiotic strains tested to help:

- Bifidobacterium breve PXN 25
- Bifidobacterium infantis PXN 27
- Lactobacillus acidophilus PXN 35
- Lactobacillus casei PXN 37
- Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus PXN 39
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54
- Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66PXN 37
- Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus PXN 39
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54
- Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66
- Which can be found in this brand:
- Bio-Kult (Source from practitioners or directly from Bio-Kult)


Constipation has many causes, from the top - to the bottom. Brain function, poor chewing, poor bile flow from the gallbladder, insufficient dietary water causing the colon to re-absorb what little water there is, to name a few. Probiotics play a part in stimulating motility (movement), and secretions that help bowel movements proceed normally and regularly.

Probiotic strains tested to help constipation:

- Bifidobacterium breve PXN 25
- Bifidobacterium infantis PXN 27
- Lactobacillus acidophilus PXN 35
- Lactobacillus casei PXN 37
- Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus PXN 39
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54
- Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66PXN 37
- Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus PXN 39
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54
- Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66
- Which can be found in this brand:
- Bio-Kult (Source from practitioners or directly from Bio-Kult)

Another probiotic strain tested to help constipation:

- Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12

Which can be found in these brands:

- Standard Process ProSynbiotic (USA)
- MediHerb Probiota (Australia)

Dental Caries (Cavities)

Dental health is a hot topic in alternative health circles. Initial evidence strongly indicates that probiotics may play a role in healthy teeth.

Probiotic strain that helps prevent cavities:

- Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG
- Which can be found in these brands:
- Culturelle - USA, UK, Canada
- Ethical Nutrients - Australia

Eczema (Treatment)

Eczema can be one of the trickiest skin conditions to treat. It is typically a multi-faceted approach (internal healing and external lifestyle changes combined) that often does the trick.

Probiotic strains tested to help:

- Bifidobacterium breve PXN 25
- Bifidobacterium infantis PXN 27
- Lactobacillus acidophilus PXN 35
- Lactobacillus casei PXN 37
- Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus PXN 39
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54
- Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66PXN 37
- Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus PXN 39
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54
- Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66
- Which can be found in this brand:
- Bio-Kult (Source from practitioners or directly from Bio-Kult)

Infant Ger (Reflux)

Probiotic strains proven to help:

- Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis
- Which can be found in these brands:
- Blackmores Digestive Bio Balance (AU)
- BioGaia Protectis baby drops or chewable tablets (Canada, USA, & worldwide)

Mastitis (Breast Infection)

Ouch! Mastitis is painful, and usually comes when you are at your most vulnerable - breastfeeding a little one. Right now there are only a couple of probiotic strains tested for effective use against mastitis, and the one probiotic product that contains it is only available in Australia. I am hopeful that will change in the future.

Probiotic strains proven to help:

- Lactobacillus fermentum CECT5716

Which can be found in this brand:
- PureMedica Qiara

Complete List of Ailments Matched to the Best Probiotic Strains for Healing Them

If you want to learn more about specific strains and conditions…and why the specific strain counts, OR if you need help with selecting a probiotic brand, matching up probiotics strains with your specific objectives, with tips on dosing for kids and adults, I recommend you pick up a copy of my ebook, the Mother’s Guide To Probiotics.

Videlock, E. J. and Cremonini, F. (2012), Meta-analysis: probiotics in antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 35: 1355-1369. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2036.2012.05104.x
Hawrelak, JA. (ed). Probiotic Advisor. Illuminate Natural Medicine, 2015 https://www.probioticadvisor.com/advisor/. Accessed 30 September 2015.
More Articles on Probiotics
Probiotics Protocol for Healthy Traveling
How to Repair Your Gut After a Round of Antibiotics
How to Choose the Best Probiotic for Your Family
How Prebiotics Benefit Gut Health
Taking Probiotics for Maximum Benefit

Ссылки, Фармакология

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