Someday, I will learn to finish posts when I start them. I've been back in the land of stable internet connection and demanding pets for, uh, a week? And I totally had time to finish this when I started it, and I didn't.
It was a busy two weeks between getting rid of stuff in my apartment, and new puppy and visiting relatives at my parents' house. I have a couple of really quality bruises from running into things while not paying attention. The one on my shin (it's about 2 inches long) I remember, but I also have a giant bruise on my hip where I must've walked into either a countertop or a doorknob. This is actually the reason that I don't wear nice clothes. They clash with my propensity for running into things.
I'm giving up on my tl;dr Torchwood: Children of Earth post for now. I'm still conflicted.
I read way too much bandom fic on my phone while I was traveling or puppywatching because I could be sure that almost any tag I searched for on delicious would turn up a ton of stuff I haven't read. Torchwood fic would be a good antidote to my current fed-up-ness with bandom, rpf, and college/high school AUs in general, but I don't think I'm ready for fandom again yet.
So now I'm (re)watching due South for a completely different Frobisher.
There's a baby deer in the field across the street. Fawn, whatever, even though it's late in the year to be calling them fawns, yeah? But it's tiny and precious and its little tail and ears are swishing at flies or something. We also have a great blue heron in the pond down the hill. Which, for the record, is reminiscent of a very small bomber or a freaking huge bat when it swoops by the rafters of one's house when one is outside with one's dog. In case anyone's curious.
I'm watching the end of a Millionaire Matchmaker episode while I'm waiting for the Top Chef Masters I missed a couple weeks ago, and... wow. This makes me want to date never again. Or at least, never date in LA.
and finally, signups for the next round of ncis_lfws
are open until Wednesday. In case anyone cares. Last round was sort of a train wreck, but I need something that forces me to write shorter fic, so I guess I'll sign up again.