{fic} Lessons For Tomcats

Oct 18, 2010 01:18

Title→ Lessons For Tomcats
Synopsis→ I treat you like I treat my cat because I love you. :|
Verse→ UNNAMED AS OF RIGHT NOW. I have to get my wit on.
Who→ Tony Stark (starkceo)
Warning→ N/A
Authors Note→ N/A

At first Gabriella had thought that the ringing had all been a part of her dream. That was how it started off though, though where it had come from in the dream she couldn’t even figure out, and when it kept on ringing, even as she was slowly roused from her slumber, it left her confused and disorientated. She tried to shift; to put her pillow over her head in hopes that it would stop, that maybe she was in a dream within a dream, but the ringing kept on until she finally pushed herself up to a sitting position, and finally looked at her clock.

2.46 am glowed brightly on her alarm clock, which really just made the situation even more confusing for her. But the ringing didn’t stop, so finally she had to pull herself out of bed to investigate, despite every bone, muscle and nerve screaming at her go get back under the covers in bed.

It was her doorbell that was being rung, and after grabbing her robe and tying it around her waist she made her way to the hall to her door. She pressed the view button and a small screen illuminated in front of her, making her blink a few times, though she had to squint to make out the picture as her glasses had been left on her bedside table.


A frown formed on her face as she stared at the screen, though she quickly pressed the button for the intercom.

“Tony? What…what are you doing here? Is everything alright?” Her voice sounded hoarse, and she coughed to clear her throat.

“Babe!” He flashed a quick grin to the camera before looking over his shoulder. “You gotta let me in. I’ll explain when I get up there.”

Gabriella opened her mouth to reply then, but closed it after a moment, instead pressing the button that unlocked the front door this time, before she waited a half a minute to unlock the three locks of her door, and made her way back to her bedroom to grab her glasses and put them on.

She was still trying to adjust to the abrupt awakening, though she did have enough energy boosted to give the man now standing in her hall a tired smile, although it didn’t last long as a yawn forced its way out of her.

“Were you sleeping?”

She stared at him for a long moment, because on the one side that wasn’t funny at all, but on the other, she was so tired that it still got an amused chuckle out of her, despite herself.

“Yes. Since I’m a normal person with a normal sleeping schedule. And I have to open tomorrow, which means I have to be there earlier than I usually am.” Another tired smile followed that as she went up to him, standing on her toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek, before she moved behind him to lock the door again, just in case.

“But enough about that. You. Explain yourself.”

She jabbed him in the chest with a finger, trying to look cross as she did so, though it clearly wasn’t having the desired effect as a grin flashed across his face for an instant, before his gaze went to the door, and then back to her.

“It’s Pepper. She’s after me. You need to hide me.”

Again Gabriella had to stare at him, her mouth open slightly, and her forehead crinkled. Maybe she was still dreaming…


“Pepper! You know Pepper. She’s been driving me crazy. Please? I know she’ll come here, and I just need one day off without her constantly telling me all the things I have to do before the expo. Please, babe?”

She opened her mouth to tell him off, but then he gave her his puppy dog eyes, which she was quite sure he knew just how much of a sucker she was for, so she rolled hers as she grabbed his hand, and lead him out back to the bedroom.

“Alright alright, give me your phone, and go out on the fire escape. You know, just in case she decides to drop by.” It was his turn to stare at her now as she went over to the window to open it so he could climb out. “That way I can let her in, show her around, and she’ll see that you’re not hiding in a closet, and leave us alone.”

“Why do you need my phone?” he asked as he moved closer to her, clearly hesitant about her plan, but she pointedly raised her eyebrows to him, and extended her hand.

“So that if she calls, I can answer and say that yes, you were here earlier, but that you left to do something, and forgot your phone. She’ll know that it’s no use calling you then either, and we’ll have that peace. I’ll tell her I’ll make sure to make you call her as soon as you come back to collect your phone. Now out. It’s not even cold.”

Before he could protest she reached into his pocket and extracted the phone, smiling at him as she slipped it into her own. He gave a disgruntled grumble at that, but, and to her slight surprise, did as she’d said and clambered out.

“A kiss to keep me warm?”

Again she rolled her eyes at him, but as requested moved forward to kiss him, this time on the lips, and with a hand going up to touch his cheek. “No complaining about my breath. You asked for it, and woke me up, so you’ll just have to deal with it.”

She winked as she then closed the window, carefully clicking the lock in place.

I’ll just be in the living room in case she comes. I won’t be long though, promise. She mouthed at him, and then motioned that he was to go down a floor so he wouldn’t be noticeable if she did stop by.

The truth was that she didn’t really expect her to stop by. She wasn’t that hysterical, was she? Tony had made her out to be a little bit controlling, but she didn’t believe that it could be that bad. No. The reason that she had stuck Tony out on the fire escape was to teach him a lesson, for waking her up in the middle of the night, just as she did with the Beast when he decided to wake her up in the middle of the night, or was bad in any other way. She’d put him in his cage, and stick him on the fire escape for a half hour, and generally he stopped doing whatever it was he had been doing before, and she hoped that this would be the case with Tony, too.

Therefore as she went into the living room she first stopped by the closet in the hall to pull down the spare comforter she kept in it, as well as the kitchen for a cup of tea, before she finally moved to the living room to settle in on the couch.

The latest episode of Community she settled on, having had to DVR it as she’d been out with Tony when it had aired the first time. That should be enough time to teach him a lesson after all, right?

ooc: shitty title is shitty baw, what: lessons, what: fic, what: cranky when i wake up, who: tony stark, verse: tba

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