Mar 25, 2019 05:11

This application post is now closed.
Please go to this post for any character reservation you wish to fill out, and this post to post a completed application.

(No worries we will look at all the apps that have been submitted this week as well, you don't need to repost them in the new one. But please do not post any new apps here anymore)


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Mint the Chikorita app 1/? thewarriorxero March 31 2010, 06:46:16 UTC
Out-of-Character Information
Name: Xero
Are you over 15?: I was hit with the shotaloli beam so I don't think so anymore. Care to check for me? D:
LJ username: insertnamehere
Time Zone: -5 GMT (EST) (would it be -4 now? idk)
AIM: TheWarriorXero
MSN: N/A, I don't use MSN anymore
Tegaki: N/A, I can't draw worth a crap D:
Anything Else?: I want some tea right now. Do you have any tea leaves?

In-Character Information
Name: Mint (Chikorita)

Game/Series: Pokémon

Age & Grade Level: 15, Freshman

PersonalityMint is the kind of Pokémon you could be friends easily with. She's very amiable, sociable and overall a kind and caring person. It's hard for her not to be happy and radiant around people she knows or is getting to know. However, it can sometimes seem like she's a hyper personality when really she's just overjoyed. She loves it when she makes others feel good, and doesn't hesitate to cheer up any of her friends that are feeling down. She loves to run, and to play around when she can, even if nobody's around. You might ( ... )


Mint the Chikorita app 2/? thewarriorxero March 31 2010, 06:46:52 UTC
Even this Chikorita has fears of her own - mainly from being a grass type and things from her childhood. She has a fear of heights, though moreso standing high in the air than jumping over and through things. Another thing is fear of birds, such as Pidgeys and Spearows - Mint has seen how they prey on Caterpies and Weedles, and it causes her to fear they'll hunt her next due to being green and an on-the-ground creature. Some larger Pokémon and large things tend to scare her due to their sheer size and her small stature - as a human this would not apply as much. She also has an issue with self-confidence - unless she's in a serious mood, she'll tend to back down from someone challenging her or say that she'd rather have fun, while hiding the fact that she's not very skilled in battling ( ... )


Mint the Chikorita app 3/4 thewarriorxero March 31 2010, 06:47:24 UTC
Mint, now 12 years old, was getting ready to go out on another adventure when she heard a cry for help from her Caterpie friend. She looked and saw that a Pidgey was trying to attack and pick it up with its beak. Mint wouldn't have that, so she ran up and body-slammed the Pidgey, directing its attention away from Caterpie. Despite her fear of birds, its attack on her friend caused her to get ticked off and she scuffled a little bit with the Pidgey before it flew off in a retreat. When she went to check on Caterpie, she learned that he had obtained a red scarf from Azalea Town, and suspected the Pidgey had come to bully him into giving it up. He then gave it to Mint as a present for saving his life ( ... )


Mint the Chikorita app 4/4 thewarriorxero March 31 2010, 06:47:49 UTC

- Body Slam
- Razor Leaf
- Synthesis
- Reflect

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal):

Wow, this school is so big! It's going to take me a while to look through it! So much to explore, so little time!

So, hi there! I'm Mint! I came from Ilex Forest, and I love adventuring! There's a club like that here, right? If so, I really want to join it! It would be so much fun~!

It's such a beautiful day today, no clouds, nothing but the sun! I think I'm gonna go out and explore the school, and maybe even the city while it's still light out! Does anyone want to join me? If you do, come to the front of the school and we'll all go together!

Hope to see you guys around, even if you don't come by!

In-Character 3rd person writing postThrough the halls, and out the door - Mint was out of there in a flash. It was a brand new day, and she wasn't wasting any time in getting outside and enjoying the radiant Saturday. After all, a completely clear sky and a brightly-glowing sun meant it was a day she surely couldn't miss out on! ( ... )


THINGS I FORGOT [derpderp] thewarriorxero April 1 2010, 02:06:11 UTC
LJ username: thewarriorxero

Also I'd like to quickly add another paragraph to Mint's personality about her class-like attitude pls hold:

Mint could be seen as an avid learner - provided the subject is something she is interested in. Otherwise you might find her off daydreaming about what kind of exploring she could be doing or hanging out with friends. She's not the type to sleep in class, as she finds it rude, but that doesn't stop her from sometimes not paying attention to lectures. If it confuses and befuddles her, however, she'll pay attention only because she feels it's something that she needs to learn more about. Most classes Mint would be interested in only because she wants to impress her mother, Meganium, and show her knowledge to her friends when she returns to Ilex one day.


Accepto numero uno! pedaltothemetal April 1 2010, 05:11:32 UTC
Lookin good! Awaiting accept #2!


Accept of the number that is maybe possibly two icequeen_aran April 1 2010, 05:13:33 UTC
And you got #2. You know what to do man.


VICTOLY *FF8 Victory Theme* sweetscentmint April 1 2010, 05:14:56 UTC


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