New CatCubed's Random Snippets

Apr 25, 2009 14:41

Inspired by Laughing Squid's use of the awesomely easy to use Posterous to post random web links at, I have now set up the same for myself at The main CatCubed blog will still be used for all my meaty posts, but I wanted something for all those little "hey this is cool" link posts that I didn't want to clutter CatCubed with.

So if you are interested in the odd things I come across on the web, you can follow that on -- though the majority of my blog reading will still be shared via google reader (see my google reader shared items)

Ok, ok, so yeah I'm spread out. If you really are the type who wants to see everything in one giant congealed rss feed you can follow me via FriendFeed. Maybe I should follow Rubin's lead and add a lifestream on my site, but that's rather low priority.

Posted via web from CatCubed's Random Snippets
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