Spring Creativity

Apr 10, 2009 09:03

Crossposted from CatCubed

I've been flush with creative projects lately and it feels good. I created the logo for Timescale, a mile long art installation with columns marking the time since the Earth was formed - sounds awesome huh? Too bad it won't be going to the playa due to Burning Man Org's withdraw of their art grant. Tis' sad but oh well on to better things!

Just last night, I put the finishing touches on the SF Tweed website and created the initial post! Big thanks to Rubin Starset for taking the initiative, buying the domain, setting up the wordpress install, and overall motivating me to work on it! We'll be meeting this weekend to plan the next SF Tweed Ride and I have plans for more posts about all things Tweed including getting some guest bloggers. You can also follow @sftweed on twitter!

Lastly, Balsa Man 2009 "Big Dreams Writ Small" is brewing! I've designed iron-on patches for this year's Balsa Man - they're awesome, you all will want one! I'll be releasing more info about the patches and other details about soon on a new Balsa Man website that is also in the works. At least it's in the works in my head. I haven't taken mouse to photoshop yet, but I have a good idea of where I want to take it.

And with that I'm off to get a little invigorating Nature!

events, tweed, balsa man, creativity

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