(no subject)

Oct 10, 2010 19:30

LOL, look at this old icon I found! :) Courtesy of dreamingkitty of course! :)

I can't believe the New York City trip has come and gone! I will write a detailed review later, I promise! This past week I had my first two tests of this semester of college, plus a research paper due. We're behind in one of my classes, so originally I had a presentation due in this class, so I worked on that, even though it's really a week later. And on top of this, I had work. On top of that, my dad was in Las Vegas all week, so I was on dog duty! 5 am walks and all. It was definitely a grueling week and I haven't had the time to rant about my NYC trip... but it's coming! Soon! :)

It doesn't even feel like I was in New York now! While I was there, I couldn't believe the fact that I was there, too! It all feels like a dream. I was riding the high of being in New York for this whole past week, but now I'm definitely in withdrawals! Not necessarily of the city (I find Las Vegas to be much more enjoyable and beautiful!) but of Green Day. :) And Billie Joe! The musical was absolutely phenomenal! Brilliant, even! I got chills numerous times! You'll see later, but I can't think of one negative thing about it! And even though I've loved Green Day since I was 4 years old, I'm a critic-- if there was something that was off, I'd have no problems pointing it out! There's just literally nothing bad to say! The whole thing was wonderful! And Billie Joe was amazing! He did such a fabulous job and I am eternally thankful for the opportunity to see him as he was in the play for a one-week only stint!

A little hint at his performance! :) During, "St. Jimmy," his entrance into the show-

image Click to view

Seeing as it was so easy to make it to New York (about 3 hours, plus inexpensive travel fare from here in Maryland!), Green Day does little appearances at the show every now and then... my mom and I both see no problem in taking another impromptu trip up there to see them there again! Gah, I would do anything for this band! This band and this band only! lol. I miss Billie Joe! :( hahaha. XD

Details and review, complete with every piece of mundane information, IS coming! :)

Oh, and happy 15th anniversary to the Green Day album, Insomniac!

st. billie, new york city, st. jimmy, green day, billie joe armstrong, american idiot on broadway

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