Criss Angel: Mindfreak

Aug 01, 2010 14:03

I've been admiring/infatuated/inspired by (read also: obsessed) Criss Angel for years now. Before he even had his Mindfreak show on A&E. And I'll admit he's part of the reason I LOVE traveling to Las Vegas. (I also love the city in general... just to throw it out there that I'm not going and stalking him, lol.)

Anyway. His 6th season of Mindfreak starts this Wednesday. I have so many mixed feelings and I HATE that. I'm excited and I love seeing him push his own limits, and he's definitely one of the finest examples of, 'If you can believe it, you can achieve it.'

On the other hand... well, I could have been at some of the tapings/had the chance to meet him and see him do his stuff live! >.< Besides seeing his Cirque Du Soleil show at the Luxor, I went back to Vegas in April PURPOSELY to see him tape the show. Seriously. My dad and I were going to a few weeks earlier, but once we found out when he was starting to shoot, changed our plans. When you go to the hotel, you can see his production office and outside there was a sign-in sheet to sign-up to possibly be called to be a part of the show. Of course, every day, we signed up.

Number one) there was a random crowd in the galleria one day and my dad refused to stand around to see what it was all about. OH GUESS WHAT? Criss Angel was doing a PUBLIC demonstration- and we walked right away from it! Number two) my dad got a call a day later asking him to be part of the show. OH GUESS WHAT? He refused to answer the call and finally called the number back like 5 hours later due to my pestering and found out he HAD been offered to be part of taping, but our spots had already been filled. (How surprising... 5 hours later.)

The SOLE purpose of our April trip was to see Criss Angel! Yes, we saw his Cirque show... but we had the opportunity (twice! TWICE!) to see him tape Mindfreak and my dad let both opportunities slip us by. Eff my life.

I go on this rant quite often. lol. But especially since the promos for the season are airing, every time I see it, I just shout in my head: 'I COULD'VE BEEN THERE!' And it kind of makes me want to cry, lmao.

And it is this reason I will never EVER go to Vegas with my dad again. :) (Oh, added to the fact that all he wanted to do was lay around and sleep in the hotel room all day. Trufax. Lameski.) I don't want to be a brat and be like... yeah, that trip sucked, because I should be grateful I even got the chance to go to Vegas... but let's face it: trip sucked balls.

Should I even mention that back in January when we went he made us miss the opportunity to meet Lady Gaga?

my father is a pile of fail, las vegas, obsessions, lamesauce trip, mindfreak, criss angel

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