(no subject)

May 29, 2010 12:41

-Still waiting to hear from the army. I hate waiting. Hate hate argh *headdesk* hate.

-We bought a glow-in-the-dark basketball. Which would seem to be a good idea. If it starts to get a little dark out, you can keep playing, right? Ha-ha, no! Because while you can see the ball, you can't see the backboard, rim, or after a certain point, each other. So "basketball" becomes a weird game of tag while everyone chases a ghostly, hovering sphere around, trying not to run into each other or the basketball pole. And even if you just play Horse, the only thing that tells you if it went in is the sound, or your opponent. Ever play Horse on the honor system? It gets deeply psychological.

-There are no other useful updates, because livejournal posts about cleaning are boring, and my art stuff is at a standstill. Waiting for the army's response has hit this huge "pause" button in my brain. Argh.
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