(no subject)

May 01, 2010 23:28

So, the army's computer system, the one that's meant to generate job offers for potential recruits, is down. Has been down for three days or so. This is not reassuring.

On the bright side, it gives me a few more days to research what jobs I think I should jump on, if they're offered to me. My ASVAB score was a 99, but I didn't get to see the breakdowns of the individual sections. The guy I'm talking to mentioned that he saw a few electronics jobs, and maybe some computer programming jobs. Hopefully there's more; I'll take one of those if that's what's available (as opposed to Sanitation Engineer, for instance), but I was hoping for something more... I dunno. Interesting. Languages, maybe. We'll see. Maybe I can go for more than one.

In other news, I'm wondering if the army's going to be taking a closer look at me to determine my security status. Y'know, checking my LJ and facebook and whatnot. I doubt it; it's not like I'm being recruited by the CIA (hi, guys!), and even if they were inclined, the army's not known for its technological prowess; I figure they leave things like that to other agencies. And really, I can't remember putting anything online that might make anyone worry about me as a threat to national security.

*pause for vaguely uneasy searching-of-personal-memories...*

No, I think I'm good. If they do look, I'm hoping they have a sense of humor.

I am forseeing some problems, though. For one thing, I have a problem remembering faces easily. So I cue on clothing, or hairstyle, or context (workplace, store, bar, etc). And when that doesn't work, I fake it until I get enough clues to kick my memory in the butt. And so I get by with only the occasional moment of "Wait, remind me why I know you?"

The problem is, well, it's the army. Everyone wears the same clothes. Everyone has more or less the same hair. And context isn't going to help me much until I get assigned somewhere. So this should be fun.

For another, I'm a smartass. Usually in my head, which is fine, but if I think I'm funny on the inside, usually I can't help showing it on the outside. I've found that this doesn't go over well in the military. Drill instructors (and, more importantly, people who desperately want to be drill instructors) don't appreciate a good, uncontrollable case of the giggles. I actually got myself kicked out of the CAP (Civil Air Patrol)* when I was younger because I couldn't stop laughing at the guy in charge. Sorta kinda got the guy next to me kicked out, too; the giggles are contagious. It's even worse when someone's trying to convince you to be serious. And I'm thinking boot camp is going to be all about the serious. Fear.

Tomorrow's all about me ramping up the exercise thing. Doom.

*Seriously, though, if there was ever a group of people who needed to be laughed at, it was the Lakeland chapter of the Civil Air Patrol. No sense of humor whatsoever. They were a bunch of teenagers who met on *Friday nights*, fer crissake. To drill, and study air traffic navigation manuals. Voluntarily. Yeesh.
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