Oct 05, 2008 22:50
So, this was a pretty good weekend.
Fuck if I remember what happened Friday night. I know that I got out of work about 20 minutes early, buuuuuuuut... I don't really know what else I did. I think I fell asleep for about an hour at one point. Christ, I'm exciting.
OH! I think we had band practice that night. That sounds about right. I'll run with that.
Saturday was pretty lazy. I sat around, worked on some design projects and read. Then, I napped. Half on purpose this time around. That night, Justin and I went up to Travis' for a bitchin' campfire. He had a dresser to burn, and that was all the coaxing necessary.
Hung out there for a bit, chatted about politics and finances, jobs and music, life and plans. It's so nice out there. Especially with a fire going. Everyone is just cut off from everything else - it's just friends talking and hanging out.
When we were leaving, I looked up at the sky and was completely awestruck. The sky was so full of stars; bright, bright stars lighting up the entire sky. Stars that I never see living in the "city" of Plattsburgh. It was beautiful. And, sort of depressing. Depressing that I was so awestruck at something that is so completely natural. Something that I, and everyone, should be able to see all of the time.
Damn you, city lights. Moving to the fucking country.
Today was pretty swell. Justin, Iann and I ventured out to the Crete Center to see TNA wrestling live and in person. I would never spend money on that dump of a company, mind you. My co-worker had four free tickets given to her (we print the posters for their advertising, so we get some perks), which she then gave to me. It was sort of surreal. Kind of sad for them. This is a huge, internationally recognized company putting probably 300 people into a building for an afternoon. Their marketing is just awful. Their entire business infrastructure is just a complete joke. I feel bad for some of the guys working for them, especially the ones who have come from bigger/better companies to work in, what I'm assuming, is a practical joke. There's no way this company is a serious attempt at a successful product. There's got to be some sort of hijinks or tomfoolery going on behind the scenes.
Anyway, that was done at 4 or so, which was pretty excellent. Got some food, sat around, then we had band practice.
It was awesome. We wrote a really fucking sweet song that we hope to play for people very soon, if we work all of the kinks out. It's easily the most positive thing I've written, lyrically, since we started the band. It's different from some of our other stuff, too, which is nice. Lots of diversity. I'm really amped about it, and I think everyone else is, too.
It's called "Life Is A Celebration, Let's Live It Together." It's basically about not letting the small things, or even the big ones, keep you down. Persevere, work hard, and stay hopeful. Together, with good friends and the love of those close to you, we can overcome anything. We, as humans, are stronger than any problem that can be created, whether by our own insecurities and self-doubt, outside forces affecting our daily lives, or the rampant uncertainty we all seem to feel about our futures and where we're going.
I hope people like it.
That was my weekend. Gonna work on some stuff now, I guess. Who knows what else.
take my hand. with these moments come deep regret, but we have to remember how to live and how to forget. so pick yourself back up. find a purpose. find a meaning. always remember that this life is worth living. take my hand, and we'll scream our hearts out. take my hand, and we'll make this ours tonight. i've got to remember that this dead town is only as dead as we let it be. so, don't give up the hope that you can find a sense of being. i'll find it in you. and you, you can find it in me.