1 ❧ the saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound

Apr 25, 2011 19:11

[ A | Mayfield Elementary; It's lunchtime! Now, Mami would like to start eating, but she keeps getting swarmed surrounded by smiling drone kids whenever she stays still for too long. Which is, frankly, pretty creepy! And more than Mami wants to deal with right now. So instead she can be found wandering the halls or playground, calmly looking for a place of refuge.

Being a popular kid is hard, you guys.]

[ B | Malt Shop; Most kids go to the Malt Shop after classes to satisfy their sweet tooth and chill with their bros. Mami, of course, would prefer some ridiculously fancy cake with some hot tea on the side....but she can settle for a milkshake and a slice of apple pie as she trudges through some required reading for school.

And another slice.

And another.....wow, she sure is absorbed in that book! Her fork is just kind of hanging in the air, now, halfway toward her mouth.]

[ C | Post Office; It's starting to get dark; late evening is setting in. Back home, this would be around the time that Mami started her routine patrol of the city where she lived. Always working solo, she'd head out into the night to hunt down trouble that only a cursed chosen few could see: Witches, deadly and grotesque creatures of pure despair hiding away in their invisible, twisted dimensions....or their poor victims, driven to attempt murder or suicide after being kissed by the aforementioned abominations. Although old habits are hard to break, Mami is making herself head back to her house at 1127 Taylor this night. She hasn't regained anything, so what would even be the point of searching for something she now has no way of seeing, let alone fighting? Setting aside the strong suspicion that this town was free of Witches anyway, her not-family might wonder where she was.

On the way, however, she passes by the Post Office, and can't help but stop on the sidewalk to stare. It'd be a lie to say that she wasn't tempted.

The whole day has honestly been like a dream, just by virtue of being so....normal, drones and dangerous town or no. She went to school, talked to people (that she'd actually see again) both her age and not, and would get to do it all again the next day. By stripping her of her powers, she knew that Mayfield was inadvertently granting her the chance- no matter how brief -to live the life that had been stolen from her. But...she doesn't deserve that; she's been too selfish for that kind of mercy, right? And there still remains the lingering, binding feelings of duty- a responsibility to soldier on as a magical girl, as she had agreed to in her contract with Kyuubey.

Torn between these conflicting urges, Mami just stands there, unsmiling.]

c: lithuania (toris laurinaitis), c: nadeko sengoku, mayfield i am home now, mumi why, l: school, l: outdoors, being mumi is suffering, c: taiwan (xiǎom​éi​ wāng), c: terezi pyrope, c: nena trinity, and i am looking like a non-magical girl, c: hajime, l: malt shop, ooh mami-san ooh, c: dave strider, c: yui hirasawa, c: mayoi hachikuji, h: zelos wilder, c: hachibe maeda, c: keiichi maebara, don't hate me cuz i'm beautiful

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