Falling in love with Autumn

Sep 14, 2009 11:42

Ok, the title was a bad pun.  Sue me.  I've always loved Fall (yes, kids, back in the day we capitalized seasons, and I'm not stopping now!).  Fall is a time of flaming red, vivid orange, and glowing yellow leaves -- a painting by God that artists can only dream of imitating.  Fall is a time of stepping outside and smelling the strangely comforting aroma of smoke from leaves burning nearby.  Fall is the time for putting on the kettle and having a mug of hot tea or for mixing mulling spices with apple cider and creating a lovely drink and aroma therapy for the entire house.  Fall is the time when children run about in costumes shamelessly begging for candy, and we glady give it to them with a song in our hearts.  Fall is the time we gather with loved ones and friends and count our blessings from God, including the great feast before us.  Fall is soft, warm, and cozy.  Fall is like a plush blanket wrapped around my very soul.

For me, Fall is what Summer is for most:  a time of awakening, a time of energy and laughter and fun.  I am inspired to decorate, create, and DO.  Summer is quite the opposite for me:  harsh, hot, to be endured until the cool weather comes to comfort me.   Apparently I have Season Affective Disorder in reverse.  Not to mention this Big Beautiful Woman does not look good in pastels or Summer Fashions.  I KILL when it comes to Winter fashions.  Where is my black leather trench coat?  I'm ready to put it on!

And so, as we are on the cusp of Fall, I feel my spirits lightening, an actual physical feeling of a load being lifted and a long sigh being released.  While others of you may mourn the passing of Summer,  I've FALLen in love with Autumn! 


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