Oct 29, 2008 20:07
Since watching Obama's infomercial would be 30 minutes of my life I could never get back, I'm doing something productive, like sharing my life with y'all.
I spoke to my former Sylvan boss Leanna today, and we both agreed that a movie night ( a night at my house that involves much snackage and movies) with a Holiday theme is in order. Since Sylvan is closed the entire week of Thanksgiving; I home school; and Thanksgiving is the kickoff of the Holiday Season, we are tentatively planning said event for that week. I'm not sure what movies we are planning to watch, but I can tell you what we won't be watching: It's a Wonderful Life. I know it's a classic, but there are just too many things that annoy me about it, not the least of which is that annoying kid at the end that says the bell-ringing-angel-gets-his-wings part. Personally I'm a fan of Miracle on 34th Street , the Natalie Wood version. She just rocks as the stoic kid turned believer. I'm also a huge fan of the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol. Any man that can play Patton can play Scrooge.
So, what does all this mean? It means that I'm hosting both a movie night and Thanksgiving dinner in the same week. And what does that mean? It means my house must be decorated for Christmas within the next few weeks. And what does THAT mean? It means that the pile of boxes in the middle of the living room, which my fantastic, lovng husband so painstakingly broke down, must be burned or otherwise disposed of. (Yep, I ended that sentence with a preposition. I'm a grammar rebel.) And I must put up my 311 Santas and my Christmas Village. And Bill must help me lug out the Christmas tree. w00t!
Apparently Sarah Palin was hung in effigy as "prank" in a West Hollywood neighbohood (John McCain is burning in the house's chimney). Hey, kids, you know what would happen if I hung Barack Obama in effegy for a Halloween prank? Me, a white gal from the South? Well, first it'd be called a lynching in effigy. I'd be arrested for threats against a Presidential candidate. The NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus would have my ass for lunch, and I'd be sued by someone who suffered emotional distress from seeing it. On the other hand, the active members of the Hickory Tree (a nearby rural area) KKK would probably post my bail and take me out to dinner. Either way, it'd be a nightmare. Double standard? Yep. Could we just stop pretending to hang people in general? I find it a bit tacky. Of course articulating takes so much more time and effort....and intelligence.
politically incorrect