No, it's not Terminater 2: Judgement day. It's T and T, meaning me and my college roommate. I'm thrilled to see that she has joined LJ and can be found as
tmjh . Let me pimp her out introduce her to you:
Long long ago in a college far far away...ok, not that far away, but fairly long ago, sadly.... two girls were sent to the student union together by one of our professors (New Testament , was it?). That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. And a rather unlikely one. t was very involved in campus spiritual activites; I was not. t never drank; I did. t was not a fan of late night endeavors; I was. And yet, we got along wonderfully. t never judged, never scolded, and was just there to talk to me and pray for me. t did go to "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" with me once, and I had more fun watching her than the movie. t and I had different roommates (hers was our good friend c) until our first Senior year (yes we both took 5 years to finish school), but were great friends from pretty much our sophomore year on. (t, you will correct all of this if my scarily bad memory fails me, right?). The two years we lived together on campus, and the time we lived together after graduation are some of the happiest memories I have.
I think one of the most fun things we would do was when we lived in Elk Park, NC after graduation: we would go to the video store and get the WORST movie we could find and watch it on Friday nights. Remember that cinema classic "Let's Stuff Stephanie in the Incenerator", t?
t is a gentle soul, and yet bubbly and funny. She has a much better reign on her temper than I do, though I'm getting better! She doesn't drink, smoke, or swear, but she never makes you feel that she is better than you. She is just genuinely nice without being icky. That is high compliment from the headbanger. So hop over and see her. She is very cool.