in the end, we're all just statistics

Apr 08, 2005 13:16

i had an equation.
and all they gave me to work with was odd numbers.
they never seemed to amount to a whole number.
it was always unfinished.
you can't divide 3 into 7 without having something left over.
but for once it seemed as though the odd numbers would fit in with the even numbers.
i managed to do the impossble..
i had one result.
one result from something that could never get a result.

i think we feel like that at times.
when you think you know everything, and have it all figured out.
but you don't.
you just don't, because nothing in life is even.
nothing is ever one result.
nothing ever fits in perfectly.
but that's okay.

this is life, and in life you learn.
may it be small lessons, or big ones.
you may have your heart broken, and you may break someone elses heart.
that's the way life is.
you can't change it.
as much as you try, you can't.

like melanie told me today,
"melissa, everything has a reason, and though that reason is not shown to you yet, doesn't mean it won't appear to you. i believe, in life, things happen the way they do, to show us something, to teach us something."
and she's right.
why cry over what's been spilled?
you can't do anything about it.
so accept it.
just be greatful certain people leave positive footprints in your life.
and be even more greatful that they leave hurtful ones also.
because only in weakness do we find strength.

no matter what, remember, in me, you always have a friend.

(on a whole new topic. i want to thank melanie for making me laugh today. people ask me why am i still at my job. why don't i go somewhere else, or do something else that will pay me more. well, it's not about the money.. and it's not about what i do. it's about the people that care for me. has your manager, ever sang to you? to make you feel that much better? has your manager ever hugged you, and told you she'll always be there whenever you need someone. has your manager ever do silly things, to make you smile.. even if it was a weak smile? and it's not just my manager, it's the people i also work with. margaret.. who makes me feel happy that i'm at work. who understands me, and my heart. this is why i love my job. because i get more things out of it, then i know i'll ever get anywhere else.)
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