(no subject)

Dec 29, 2005 01:09

It seems knews of Commander Sorel's sacrifice reached Iscaria before we did. I was expecting to come back to a gathering of the family of the ships's crews, but many many more turned out. Someone had even rented a projector on one of the Asteroid fortresses to display "Requiem aeternam dona Sorelis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen." On the ground, and even in the spaceports, there were uncountable numbers of people. It surprised me, I din't really expect this much turn out, even from the Isians. Maybe we have more hope than we think.

I had to leave Red's cristmas party early to deal with everything. Normally I wouldn't even leave the carrier until long after it's been in dock, and then I would only get to the surface a couple of days later. Rear Admiral Antonova of the CIB Behold the Dawn sent me a message telling me about the crowds, and I didn't have much choice. An Admiral has to appeal to the people doesn't he?

I came back to the ship as soon as I could. There were things I had to deal with that were more important than a parade. She's pretty quiet now with only a skeleton crew to keep her running until we leave port again.
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