MOD RECC! 'Tartan Tussle', enchanted_jae [NC-17]

Jan 15, 2011 13:04

Smut Saturdays!
Yes, I celebrate that well-known International Holiday!

A recent Favourite and adored Scots-themed addition to the hdoneshots List  is enchanted_jae  's Tartan Tussle
  • Knock your plaid knee-socks off smokin' HAWT PWP! 
  • Picture this: DRACO IN A KILT
  • Picture this: JEALOUS!HARRY

Darling, wonderful, amazing enchanted_jae  has done your imagining for you! Prepare for a nosebleed and damp knickers!

In other news, aydenclare  has taken a clear lead on the Top Reccer spot at the List for the 5K Run Event!

A Silly Prize(TM) is in the works to honour this contribution, courtesy this Mod (who is lazy as can be and adores it when other people Recc fics! As then I can read them and procrastinate happily about all those silly RL things we/I/someone should be accomplishing in January...wait, where was I?)

And, um...I'll be back with more of my Favourite soon as I purchase one of those Round-To-It devices I hear so many good things about. Tiger

year: 2011, comm: 5k run, [mod] spotlight fics, month: january

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