sneaKIN sally THru the alley

Nov 22, 2005 18:44

uhhhh yeahhhhh i cant believe i just got a facebook. i got this notice cause marie tried getting me one the other night or something...and so i did it. and dave sent me a good ol email too.

i feel awful and burnt out right now. my lovely day of speeding high above the clouds is kindling down into a shitty fireless pit. crashhhhhhh and burn baby.

i keep thinking about stuff. all this stuff. and i cant get it outta me head. im driving down to DC for thanksgiving...maybe itll be good to get away from people so i can think? or maybe itll make it worse cause i wont have anyone to be in contacct with so i can sort my thinks out.

well, however it works, itll just do itself. at least ive got the right equipment for survival, the medicine, that ironically kills you eventually.

uhhhhhh ahhh i just wanna do something im bored. i need a drastic huge change in me life right now. first i need to figure stuff out. were all so goddamn busy....

decisions are i think impulsively to get decisions outta my way quickly and do whats right at the time. but i should start thinking better or more or something cause i dont always get fuckedin the long run but i sometimes do.

this is the end of the crazy life high ive been soaring on since thursday, or even before then. i was busy and happy. and it could just be cause im burnt but i feel like this will be a nice plateau of lowness for a bit.

good thing life is in circles tho, more like hills, up and down and such. and i like rain but only when im inside, and today the rain was awful and shitty cause i was out all day mostly.

these are the kinds of posts that i never read on my friends page, the ones i just skim over. its boring to me. i gotta get a job or something jesus christ i dont know something. i need a balance, to be more grounded. im too floaty and i need an anchor.

well im gonna go pack up the ol bag, check the rations, and head out. have good thanksgivings.
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