Stop thinking please! thats excactly what i have been trying to say to myself for the last 6 hours, cause it has prevented me from getting any sleep. I dont excactly know what im thinking about, but im just thinking. And its been good, my first chance in fucking ages to finally have some me time. No one else to worry about, and no drugs! my mind is clear and im loving it...and on the plus side, i have spent the last 6 hours watching the rest of arrested development and i wouldnt of even had a chance to watch even half of it if i didnt watch it tonight and its such a great show! saying all this might seem all good however but it just so happens that i have picked the worse time. see i have a test tomorrow at 9am for a subject i have only been to two lectures for, and they were the first two weeks. Oh yeah, and if i fail the test, i fail the subject. And its tafe, so i will have to repeat it next year. Oh, and while i will probably be sleeping all tomorrow, I have more assignments due on tuesday then what i have had all year. And i think thats about it, and ya know what...i feel great. Jeez, my first serious post. Um...yeah, so thats about it.
Fuck it, serious just doesnt work for me! So why dont ya just check out:
The future of advertising!!!! im an idiot