Write-A-Thon Check IN

Dec 31, 2018 21:23

Hello lovelies,
yes i know i am indeed late, my parents dragged me off to meet some friends before i got to go home and game my way into the new year whilst sitting the cat- need to go and find her again once i finished this check-in post :D"".

First I want to apologise for not hosting MORE challenges, my life got really out of control, and my missmanagement made itself evident- sorry, that it also inconvenienced you!

Second I want to ask you about feedback for something:
As you know this comment gets very little traffic nowadays, and I find it somewhat sad... the write-a-thon was a huge success in way of ppl signing-up for it (sadly the puffs didn't show up, but maybe they will in the future?)
my idea would be a year long write-a-thon for HP-fandom; so you could combine it with things like gywo and other communities but only the words written towards HP-fandom would count. Then there would be monthly word-wars as we did in the past, and finishing a chapter, or a story grants you extrapoints during the word- war; and each word-war has a small challenge: a character, a prompt, a word count, you have to describe a scene in the most ridiculous/dramatic/actionlike way (basically all the challenges I prepared for this write-a-thon but did not manage to post).
and then in the end of the year there will be the house-cup; sign-up would be opwn all year and the points will be added together with weighted average.
Poll Interested in that?Poll Better host it on another journal

and FINALLY the check-in:
please fill out the form, and let me know how you did for the write-a-thon:

Sign Up - Forms

I wrote for Gryffindor!


I wrote for Gryffindor!


I wrote for Slytherin!


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e9/d0/e4/e9d0e4464b22306685d95cb368d4d028.jpg">https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e9/d0/e4/e9d0e4464b22306685d95cb368d4d028.jpg" alt="" width="20" /> I wrote for Slytherin! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e9/d0/e4/e9d0e4464b22306685d95cb368d4d028.jpg">https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e9/d0/e4/e9d0e4464b22306685d95cb368d4d028.jpg" alt="" width="20" />


I wrote for Ravenclaw!


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/12/c2/2d/12c22d4c8bc213071e5419d39190478f.jpg">https://i.pinimg.com/originals/12/c2/2d/12c22d4c8bc213071e5419d39190478f.jpg" alt="" width="20" /> I wrote for Ravenclaw! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/12/c2/2d/12c22d4c8bc213071e5419d39190478f.jpg">https://i.pinimg.com/originals/12/c2/2d/12c22d4c8bc213071e5419d39190478f.jpg" alt="" width="20" />


I wrote for Hufflepuff!


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/be/6a/64/be6a6447756cfb959b30bca7836d6eae.jpg">https://i.pinimg.com/originals/be/6a/64/be6a6447756cfb959b30bca7836d6eae.jpg" alt="" width="20" /> I wrote for Hufflepuff! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/be/6a/64/be6a6447756cfb959b30bca7836d6eae.jpg">https://i.pinimg.com/originals/be/6a/64/be6a6447756cfb959b30bca7836d6eae.jpg" alt="" width="20" />


DUE TO MY TARDINESS CHECK-IN is valid until the 5th!
Have a happy new year, with loads of luck and a very good muse!

#5b9c64, challenge, 2018, #27408b, writing games, #e6b426, #660000

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