Double Edged Sword - by Romaine

Sep 17, 2012 19:51

Title: Title
Author: Romaine
Word Count: 100+
101 Chapters
Warnings: Adult language, Angst, Het, Sexual content, spoilers, suicide, violence, suicide attempt, character death - (not Harry or Draco)
Summary:'summary by ravenqueen55' - Harry thinks his life has been planned out, but the night he comes of age changes everything. Now there are decisions to be
made and a path to be chosen, and the choices before him will change the lives of everyone he knows. But when destiny calls, Harry finds himself ready to listen. This is an epic story of the love between Harry and Draco. Join them as they journey through their life together,
through the good times and the bad, facing obstacles both external and internal,
and see how they come to be who they were meant to be.
(This story ws written after HPB.)
Why I loved it:I thought this fiction was well written. I have never read a plot such as this one. This fiction captured my imagination and I enjoyed it immensely. It touched on all of my H/D needs, hurt/comfort, angst, interwoven plots within plots. It starts out het with Harry and Ginny, but moves on and changes to Draco and Harry.

content:character death, length:100000+, genre:action/adventure, rec:fic, author:romaine, genre:drama, genre:romance, era:au, rating:nc-17, status:complete, content:dating/courtship, genre:humor, genre:angst, genre:hurt/comfort, era:hogwarts, content:violence

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