Reccing Ball #4 'Draco, Draco, On the Wall' [NC-17] & #5 'Hibiscus' [PG] by megyal

May 10, 2012 11:29

Title: Draco, Draco On the Wall 
Pairing: [HP; Harry/Draco]
Rating || Canon: NC-17 overall [R for this chapter] || Not DH-compliant
Summary: A spell gone astray leaves Harry with more trouble than he signed up for.
Warnings: Crack, established relationship


Titlle: "Hibiscus" 
Pairing: Harry/Draco (de-aged)
Word Count: ~7,300 words 
Warnings: Angst, Epilogue-compliant
Rating: PG
Summary: Too short a time in paradise.
Rating: PG
My betas were winnett and bewarethesmirk and they are made of awesome. Pure and simple.

Today is megyal's birthday. Please join me in wishing her one of the best and one of many more to come.
We have a little mutual admiration society going, my sweet Nutmeg and I. I think I've the better end of the stick here, as she's fabulous in every way and I am fortunate indeed to know her. I know her via many ways, though, and one way is by her writing. I don't think anyone would ever dare claim she is a jot less than utterly, staggeringly amazing. Consistently. For years now.
Give her little love today, yeah? And enjoy.

length:.10000-49999, length:..1000-9999, content:pre-slash, rating:r, content:unresolved sexual tension, content:established relationship, genre:action/adventure, rec:fic, genre:hurt/comfort, genre:angst, author:megyal, rating:pg, era:au, content:de-age

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