Reccing Ball #3 'Right Through Him' (or 'Caught Out') by chiromancy [R]

May 09, 2012 14:45

The author has this to say for introduction...

"Embarrassing foray into fan fiction follows.

(Follows the alliteration, that is.)

Right Through Him

Who: Potter and Malfoy
How: Good-natured borrowing. They’re not mine, nobody paid me, and I promise to have them dry cleaned before I send them home to JKR.
Why: Because Blythe wants.
What: Angst and sweat.
How much of it: Hm. Unsure. Never done this before. Rated R?
And will it be any good: Probably not. See above. And no beta or anything like one."

Author: chiromancy
Pairing: H/D
Reccer's Warnings/Summary: Assisted mutual pleasure, much snark, much UST
Published: 2005, so necessarily diverts ftom later canon. Go with it, do.
Word Count: 2000+/-
Rated: R

This is a fic that changed my world. Yes, literally. As a reader and as a writer. This is Draco, Utmost. This is Harry, All of Him. And this is as clever as clever does, as sharp as needles, as hot as fuckity-fuck-fuck and then some. Hand jobs, in an alley--don't miss!

era:ewe, length:..1000-9999, rating:r, content:unresolved sexual tension, rec:fic, genre:pwp, era:post-war, era:au, author:chiromancy, content:friendship

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