Stuck On YouTo:
thisgirl_isPairing/Threesome: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Story notes: Smut! Lots of smut, including some rimming. Also, copious quantities of honey.
Word count: 3300
Summary: Draco spent a lot of time planning a romantic Beltane interlude, and now he’s covered in shame and honey. This is the second worst Beltane ever. (At least this year no one’s getting killed. That’s about all that can be said in its favour.)
Well, hey, this was written for me, please pardon the indulgence (smirk). But really, I am a veritable connoisseur of the Fluff Genre of Fanfiction. I believe Fluff is amazingly beneficial for one's health, mental and otherwise. Like dark chocolate and NC-17 ratings. But I digress. This fic is not only a personal favourite and a fine representative of Fluff Fic,it's also flat-out delightful no matter how you squint at it. A perfect one-shot, really, with plot and humour and character, charm and sex and honey! Honey! I ask you, what's sexier than honey? And it's consumable quickly, an exquisite little spoonful. Which, incidentally, allows one the pleasure of reading it a second time for additional savour at the same sitting (hee!). Not only, our dear Draco's awesomesauce, our Harry's adorable, it references lovely Beltane fertility rituals and there is HONEY. (Have I mentioned the honey? No?)
Don't miss this. You can squeeze it into your schedule, I know you can. And it's so worth it, trust me.
(Darling Mods, I need a tag for
thisgirl_is, methinks & plzthnx. T)