Beltane-Oriented Recc #2 'Sometimes The Best Gifts Come In Small Packages' by frayach [NC-17]

May 02, 2012 13:42

Title: Sometimes The Best Gifts Come In Small Packages
To: aquila_star
Author: frayach
Pairing: Draco/Harry, brief OC/Draco and OC/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None that a rating of NC-17 doesn’t imply
Word Count: 22,700
Summary: Draco has a secret, and Harry is determined to find out what it is.

Continuing the Beltane theme for the moment, here's a doozy:
It's awkward and sad and cheery and snarky. It's bitter and sweet and oh, so spot on character-wise. It's a strange circumstance to have happen and an Original Character you can't help but adore (also oddly) and it tackles the (pardon the pun) question of a man's abbreviated tackle in a way that is both sensitive and (IMHO) realistic. Not to spoil it overmuch, but I think you'll come away from this fic with your lips just parted, mouthing the single word 'Wow!'  I know I did. Please don't pass this one up..

length:.10000-49999, content:disability, rating:nc-17, author:frayach, genre:humor, rec:fic, genre:hurt/comfort

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