Title: Banishment -
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5205932/1/BanishmentAuthor: dyson rules (Cheryl Dyson)
Rating: M/NC17
Word Count: 3,183 words
Warnings: Mature Content and explicit sexual situations (oh yes!)
Summary: Auror-in-Training Harry crosses Pansy Parkinson, who gets revenge in a rather embarrassing fashion. Luckily, Draco decides to rescue him.
Why I loved it: This has been a favorite quick read for me for years. Cheryl Dyson is a big name in fandom and there are so many awesome short and long stories by her. She wrote this for the “Speed Pr0nz” challenge on here in 2009 and in the challenge, you had to write all stories within two hours. This story has always stuck with me. Just imagining the visuals and when you get to the finale, whew *fans self-*. And as always with Cheryl Dyson there is some great humor. And Harry just always seems to get himself in the silliest situations. But in this Draco, is the hero and boy, he is awesome. This is a must for a short, funny and HOT read!
No excerpt today, it is not needed for this one. Enjoy!