First Rec for February - No Turning Back by LadyKatie

Feb 01, 2018 20:39

Title: No Turning Back -
Author: Lady Katie
Rating: Rated M/NC17
Word Count: Words: 113,036
Warnings: [Spoiler (click to open)]Major Character Death
Summary: There was time to turn back. Now, Harry's friends faithfully stand by his side as they hunt for the last Horcruxes and face danger, adventure and hopefully, the end of the war.

Why I loved it: Hi, I am bbethable (you can call me Beth if you like) and I will be your monthly reccer for February.  I am a lover of Drarry fanfiction and have been reading fanfiction of different types since the end of the 1990s.  I would love to write fanfiction but I can never seem to find the spark to actually put something down.  So, I read, read and read more.  I save all the stories I love and must have thousands of stories saved.  So, this should be a fun month!

I have a great love for HD Post-HBP stories (still to this day).  And there are so many good ones, but this one has always been a favorite.  I usually reread it about once a year.  And I just have no idea why more people do not seem to talk about this story.  Maybe this review will help.  There’s a little bit for everyone in this.  Adventure.  Romance.  Angst.  Humor.  Tragedy.  And boy is there tragedy.   But it is so worth it for this story.  Which is how life really is.  Anything could change at any time.  The relationship between Harry and Draco is amazing.  The build up to them getting together is so, so good.  And there is this one scene on a motorcycle.  It’s beautiful, I always have awesome visuals there.  I am sure you can imagine 😉.  The trio of Harry, Ron and Hermione is amazing.  You can really feel and understand their love for each other.  And their search for the horcruxes is so cool.  You get to visit during the story: Grimmauld Place, Godric’s Hollow (awesome), Diagon Alley, Hogwarts and more!  The humor is excellent too.  And Ginny’s character is freaking amazing in this story.  There is this one part…  it makes me laugh every single time!  But you will have to read it to find out.  Pay attention to the tags if that’s a problem for you.  But this is a really great read.  You will not regret it!

Excerpt: In this scene you get a snippet of the trio’s relationship and more, “There’s so much we don’t really know about Horcruxes, Harry.  We need to find out if Dumbledore left behind any notes.  Maybe we could get his pensieve.  I haven’t managed to find anything on them at the library even with access to the restricted section, but I’m not even half-way through yet.”

Rob snorted. “Not half-way yet? You’re losing your touch Hermione.” Ron couldn’t duck in time to escape her hard slap on his arm.  “Ow.  I’m sorry.  Professor McGonagall is going to be at the wedding.  We can ask her who inherited Dumbledore’s possessions.  Maybe we can talk to them.”

“Right.  Until them, we’ll have to ensure that the locket stays safe,” said Harry.  He then hung the gold chain around his own neck and tucked the locket into his t-shirt.  “You’re right, it is a little creepy.”

Suddenly there was a creak of floorboards from the doorway that they could all hear.  Wands out, they faced the source of the noise, which appeared to be nothing.

“Show yourself,” said Harry.  “Your invisibility cloak won’t protect you from my hex.”

Slowly, feet emerged as the cloak was lifted.  Higher, and higher it went until the intruder was revealed.


“Drop your wand, Malfoy!” yelled Ron.

Surprisingly, his right hand released the wand immediately and the cloak fell to his left side. 

length:100000+, era:war, rating:nc-17, status:complete, genre:angst, genre:fluff, genre:drama, genre:romance

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