Witty Vampire fic at HP-creatures

Oct 15, 2015 23:03

Title: Vampauror (part of hp-creatures fest)
Author: enchanted_jae
Rating: R
Word Count: 4,700
Summary: After Harry is infected with vampirism on an Auror mission, Draco Malfoy is assigned to him as his Transition Assistant.

Why I loved it:
Who knew a vampire story could be so witty? This was just a delight to read - I loved all of Draco and Harry's interactions, and Harry teething...oh my god! The UST was terrific too. The only problem is that it ends too soon!

Malfoy walked over to Harry and handed him a rubber spatula. "Here you are," he said.

Harry accepted it with a puzzled frown. "What is this for?"

"It's for you to chew on until your fangs grow in," Malfoy replied. "You'll be less likely to gnaw on unsuspecting victims if you have a substitute."

"You can't be serious."

"I am," said Malfoy. "Petr told me his gums ached something fierce, and he wished he'd had something to chew on while he was teething."

"I'm not teething," Harry protested. The way Malfoy put it, he sounded like a toddler.

"You are, in a manner of speaking," said Malfoy. "Let me know when you puncture the spatula. That will mean you're ready to graduate to biting your blood donors."

author:enchanted_jae, era:ewe, length:..1000-9999, rating:r, content:creature-vampire, rec:fic

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