Submission Guidelines for H/D Pet Fair!

Aug 21, 2016 19:35

For the H/D Pet Fair, all fics will be posted off-LJ. We will be taking advantage of Archive of Our Own and all its features: all authors are to upload their fest fics to AO3 themselves.

Here are the details:

1. What entries will be crossposted to AO3?
  • All fics (regardless of length) will be posted to AO3.
  • To our knowledge, AO3 may not be the best place for art therefore artworks will be posted to LJ UNLESS you chose otherwise.
[2. How do I submit my Pet Fair fic?]2. How do I submit my Pet Fair fic?
  • Go to the Pet Fair Collection and click Post to Collection. Fill out the form and post.
  • Tick the Add co-authors? box, and add the Mod ID "fanfairmod" as a co-author. This ensures that your mods will be able to proof all entries and keep them uniform/add the relevant links. We will remove the Mod ID when Fair has come to an end. The stories will, however, remain part of the Collection.
  • Content Notes: If your fanwork contains Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-con and/or Underage, you must include these warnings in both your header Content Notes and your AO3 post.
  • AO3 tagging: You may add relevant Additional Tags (e.g. "Romance", "Post Hogwarts", "BDSM", etc). Many readers at AO3 subscribe to certain tags; choosing tags wisely allows readers to find your fic more easily. Please refrain from using freeform tags (e.g. "omg i cannot deal", etc) on your AO3 entries while the fest is in progress.
  • Submit: Once you’ve uploaded your work to our AO3 collection, please copy and fill the header provided below and email it to the mods.
  • All submissions must be beta-read. Please acknowledge the beta(s) in the story header under author's notes.
  • Your mods will post these headers to the hd_fan_fair community during H/D Pet Fair, with a link to your fic on AO3.
  • If your fic comes with accompanying artworks, please include them in your AO3 entry. Please read about the Watermark and AO3 option in the next section.
  • All submissions will be listed as unrevealed Mystery Works in the collection. The mods will reveal your fics when posting begins. Nobody but yourself and the mods will be able to see your fest entry before its posting date in the fest.
  • All authors will appear as Anonymous until the fest is over.

[3. How do I submit my Pet Fair art?]3. How do I submit my Pet Fair art?
  • Submit: Please copy and fill in the header provided below and email it and your artwork to the mods.
  • Your mods will post your header and artwork to the hd_fan_fair community when posting begins.
  • Watermark Option: We know there are folks who might be concerned about posting their artworks anonymously, so we're giving them the option to add a watermark which says "H/D Pet Fair, do not use without permission" (Examples: 1, 2).  If you choose the watermark, we will colour coordinate it with your work and try to put it in a corner where it is least obtrusive. Just fill in the header information with your preference during submission.
  • AO3 Option: If you prefer to post your artwork to AO3, please follow the guidelines for fic submission in #2 instead. We could help you attach the watermark, should you choose to use it. Please host your artwork somewhere anonymous (i.e. your identity could not be seen in the url). If you need help with anonymous hosting, feel free to approach us too.

[4. Does this mean I have to have an AO3 account? Or help I do not how to post to AO3!]4. Does this mean I have to have an AO3 account? Or help I don't know how to use AO3!
  • We highly recommend all participating authors get an account. If you need an invite code, let us know and we will send you one.
  • However, if you decide not to create an AO3 account, you may send your fic to us as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file and we will post it on your behalf. We will add your name/contact to the AO3 entry when the fest is over.

[5. Header templates]5. Header Information

Submissions/Header information and/or artworks can be sent to at any time before or at the submission date (August 31). Please include the word 'submission', your username, and your prompt number in your email's subject line (e.g. Submission, vaysh, prompt 69).

for FIC:

Prompt:"># number
Warnings/Content Notes:
Word Count:
Author's Notes:
Link to AO3 entry:

for ART:

Prompt:"># number
Warnings/Content Notes:
Artist's Notes:
Link to AO3 entry: (delete line if not applicable)

Would you like a watermark added to your art before it is posted in the fest? (Yes/No. You can also tell us which corner you'd like the watermark to be added to)


Podficcer: Podficcers will not be anonymous, their names will be included in the post.
Link to Text: here
Author's Summary:
Warnings/Content Notes:
Cover Art:
File Size: mp3 | m4b
Podficcer's Notes:

Go back to the The Rules & Guidelines of the 2016 H/D Pet Fair.

Confused? Questions? Please comment on this post, or send a mail to

[admin] ao3, [admin] 2016, [admin] rules and guidelines

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