Title: A Secret Office Romance Artist: reikokatsura Rating: G Mediums: Photoshop, Tab Notes: A little something to celebrate the Easter Holiday with. Also, this is my first time posting here, so I might have tagged incorrectly. Sorry in advance ^_^"
Title: My sexy bunny Rating: PG-13 Media used: Pencil, Photoshop CS3 (and Computer of Doom) Warning: A bit of naked skin, so be prepared^^ Notes: Happy Easter everyone =D
Title: One Little Peep Artist: red_rahl Rating: PG Character/Pairing: H/D Warnings: Bare chests. Also, don't look if the eating of peeps bothers you. Disclaimer: This art is based on characters and situations and owned by JK Rowling and various publishers. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. Materials used:
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