Year end modly gushing and H/D ♥ month!!!

Jan 12, 2012 17:19

Hello lovely artists and art lovers! Please bear with this long winded, non-art post while your mods ramble for a bit...

First off, we'll start with the year end babbling! 2011 was another FABULOUS year for H/D art! We had an amazing 609 posts! (No, I did not count! That's what tags are for! *G*) Some were mod posts, but most were art, which is awesome, awesome, AWESOME!

A big thank you to all the artists who posted and to all those who comment. You all rock, BIG TIME! Thank you also to everyone who nudges new artist members our way. It's such a delight to make new friends. *twirls you all*

Settling into the new year also means we put away the Christmas banner for another year. And while we're sad to see it go, it also means February is coming up, which means another H/D ♥ Month is on the horizon!

Advent was such an overwhelming success last month, that I'm really hoping we can make this H/D ♥ month the best yet! Wouldn't it be awesome to have schmoopy, lovey, sappy H/D art every day in February?!?!?

Time to get out your pencils, pens, paintbrushes, chalk, drawing tablets, etc and see what wonderful creations you can come up with. Be it schmoopy, lovey, sappy H/D art, (because I'm a sap) or whatever else comes to your creative minds when you think of Harry, Draco, and ♥'s! Declarations of love, reunions, proposals, gifts, parties, floating pink and read hearts, hot Valentine's Day sex, manipulative friends locking our boys in the closet to make them see the light, and oh, did I mention hot Valentine's Day sex?!? Oh, I did? Okay, I won't mention it again. *G*

It can be new art, just for this glorious occasion, or previously done art that fits in with the theme. We will start posting on approximately Feb 1st, and continue posting until the end of February as long as we have art. :-D Simply email us your art along with the title, rating, and whatever other info you'd like included and we'll take care of the posting for you. If you'd rather post it to your own journals that's okay too. Just send us the link and we'll include it on the post here, along with any pertinent info. That way all the posts will be uniform. (And I'll get to use my cool, H/D ♥ Month icon again! w00t!)

So start planning that perfect Valentine's Day piece now, and send it to when you're done!!!

Any questions? Ask away!

Also, if there are any artists who would be interested in doing a little favor for us that would be due around Feb 25, please email us and we'll tell you more about it.

I think that's it for now! As always, if you have questions or suggestions, please comment or email us. We always love to hear your thoughts on how the comm's doing or how it can be improved.

We love you guys!!!!

Your adorable humble mods. :-D

art fest-h/d heart month info, !mod post, year-2011, month-january

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