Art: Harry - Chì mi na sgoran fo cheò (G)

Jan 12, 2012 17:26

Title: Harry - Chì mi na sgoran fo cheò
Artist: mayfly_78
Summary: And upon the waters of the Great Glen’s Canal, Seòlaid a’ Ghlinne Mhòir, the trippers moved, and the exploring clever; and the fishing fleet - stark and kibble and stuir the Scots, durf as the sea, the Gaelic men fulangach, tapaidh, brogach as their boats and ships - passed safely between the implacable seas.
As he aged, father and widower, officer of Aurors, a man tempered, fined, and annealed by loss and struggle and victory against long odds, Harry but rarely thought back in waking hours to the insidious ensorcellment of Scotland that he had breathed in with the airs of his schooldays; or heard with his waking ear that more plangent call upon his heart that Scotia made to those even of her distant, part-English sons who had been appointed General Auror Commanding, Scottish Command. There were so many ancestral voices that whispered in his blood; yet always present, always there, springing in every pulse, whispered and beckoned the ancient incantings.
Rating: G
Medium: India Ink and Watercolours
Notes: Illustration for wemyss's "Chì mi na sgoran fo cheò" for H/D Big Bang:Erised (story is PG-15)

Harry - Chì mi na sgoran fo cheò

rated-g, type-fic illustration, artist-mayfly_78, year-2012, month-january, character-harry

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