A Fitting End/A Cure For Boredom

Jun 26, 2007 23:08

Title: A Fitting End
Word Count: 100.
Rating: PG
Challenge: Summer
Author's Notes: Ok this is only vaguely related to the challenge I admit but it's what I thought of first! Only (minute) warning: Opaque reference to the holocaust.

Draco Malfoy had been the first person to notice the snow.

First he had thought he was in shock, perhaps he was more injured than he thought?

But then his mind had flittered to blurry half remembered horrors to be found in stolen muggle history books and he’d thought only the worst.

Finally though it had dawned on him, it was really snowing. It was the middle of August, it was snowing, and Harry Potter had won the war.

And somehow these facts had made it almost fitting when Potter himself had laid beside him to watch the snow fall.

Title: A Cure For Boredom
Word Count: 100.
Rating: R
Challenge: Summer
Author's Notes: Reference to naughty things!

Harry had resigned himself to another monotonous summer spent wasting away at the Dursley’s.

Days filled with chores: mowing the wilting lawn; watering the gasping flowers; the slow burn that comes with too much sun and not enough sunscreen.

And nights: spent writing longing letters to Ron and Hermione; reading quidditch books and pining for his broom; furtive sticky fumbling under the covers, praying to whatever deity existed that Dudley wouldn’t walk in.

Yes, every summer was exactly the same, except this one.

Because now every time he came, he couldn’t keep Malfoy’s pointy little face out of his mind

author: bleachedclouds, challenge: summer

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