Title: Loyalty (How original)
olliegamiChallenge: Loyalty
Word Count: 100, according to Word
Rating: PG
Other Characters: Voldemort, Unknown person.
Warnings: Uh, Death? -grin-
Notes: So, It's been a while since I wrote one of these. =D
Laughter filled the air. Everyone was down, and Harry knew that he alone faced Voldemort, and a masked deatheater.
His breath was heavy, clothes ripped, mud and blood covering him - but he had hope - he'd destroyed the last horcrux.
His wand was grabbed from behind him, and there was a gasp from the masked death eater in front. Harry heard two murderous words. His eyes closed, and he felt blank. The words were repeated, his eyes flew open and his captor fell to the floor.
The death eater removed the mask, and he was glad Draco was loyal.