Title: The Importance of Being...
Word Count: 100
Bloodline: Pureblood
Challenge: Unconventional
Characters: Ginny, Neville, Harry, Draco
A/N: Originally written for "Screaming Babies" at
malfoy100, but I decided that it somehow fits this challenge as well (as it is still going on, obviously...).
“MuuuuuummmyyYY!!! She’s poking me!”
“SSSHH, your brother’s sleepi-“
Simultaneously rocking a screaming baby and wiping ice cream off of a little girl’s face, Ginny turned around. “Neville, where-“
“Mummy! Ineeddaweeeee!!”
“NEEEEEEEVIIIILLE! Would you please LOOK AFTER the twins?! Why don’t you EVER-”
Harry nudged his partner. “See what I’ve spared you,” he grinned. “And myself, as well.”
The Raised Eyebrow appeared from behind the Prophet.
“I like children,” Harry mumbled defiantly. “It’s... oh, come on, how does watching a scene like this make you feel?”
Sipping his espresso, Draco glanced briefly across the road.
“Gay, darling. Most definitely: gay.”