Goes boom...!

May 08, 2007 01:29

You know, shooting is fun! Almost as fun as drinking really. They're kinda similar if you want to get philosophical.

They help relieve tension.
They put you in a different state of mind.
They can be dangerous in the wrong hands.
They can cause pain and pleasure.
They both have some bad after-effects. (Numb hand from the gun, hangover from drinking.)
And I'd probably be able to think of more things if it weren't almost 2 am...

The gun I had was just a 9mm glock, which sucked because glocks are SHITE!! Damn shells kept catching, I had to keep cocking it to get the bullets in the chamber, and the mag was a bitch to load... I'm gonna take Sean's Beretta next time I go to the range. Unfortunately, our neighbors apparently aren't used to gunshots (wimps!), so I have to actually go to the range every time I want to shoot. It'll be more fun with the 9mmB at least; and the kickback isn't as bad with it, so I won't have as much as gunpowder on my hand and my palm won't be as numb.


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